A sharp point
A sharp point GOAD Author: Jim Fox Hebrew - dorevan, malmadh Greek - kentron An eight-foot wooden pole, shod at one end with a spade used for removing mud from…
A sharp point GOAD Author: Jim Fox Hebrew - dorevan, malmadh Greek - kentron An eight-foot wooden pole, shod at one end with a spade used for removing mud from…
ATHANASIUS CREED ATHANASIUS CREED Whosoever will be saved, before all things is necessary to hold the Catholic faith. Which faith except everyone do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he…
A PRAYER FOR YOUR CHILDREN, By Kenneth Copeland . Children are an Heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward. As arrows are in the…
Spurgeon PS011 TITLE.--This Psalm may be regarded as THE PREFACE PSALM, having in it a notification of the contents of the entire Book. It is the psalmist's desire to teach…
PsalmNumbering From: epothier@lynx.dac.northeastern.edu (Edward Pothier) NUMBERING SYSTEMS FOR PSALMS AND PSALM VERSES Edward L. Pothier (June 1983, Modified May 1993) Numbers, numbers everywhere, but they're not always consistent. One of…
NTDating The poster has requested info for the various books in the Bible. Here is something I have on the NT books, taken mostly from two sources, my NIV Study…
NTCanon Here is a starting document on canon...note that Marcion is usually considered 'heretical' (whatever that means!) but even so, his books confirm early use and circulation of certain books.…
Genealogies The Genealogies in Matthew and Luke Matt. 1:1-17; Luke 3:23b-38 Both Matthew and Luke give a genealogical list for the descent of Jesus. When these are compared, differences and…
Eschatology Some questions and answers on Eschatology or Are we just polishing brass fixtures on the Titanic? by Tom Albrecht tca1@ecdcsvr.tredydev.unisys.com [ This is written from a preterist postmillennial perspective.…