Spurgeon PS1820

Spurgeon PS1820 EXPOSITION. "_The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness_." Viewing this Psalm as prophetical of the Messiah, these strongly-expressed claims to righteousness are readily understood, for his garments…

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Spurgeon PS1819

Spurgeon PS1819 EXPOSITION. "_He brought me forth also into a large place_." After pining awhile in the prison-house Joseph reached the palace, and from the cave of Adullam David mounted…

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Spurgeon PS1818

Spurgeon PS1818 EXPOSITION. It was an ill day, a day of _calamity_, of which evil foes took cruel advantage while they used crafty means utterly to ruin him, yet David…

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Spurgeon PS1817

Spurgeon PS1817 EXPOSITION. When we have been rescued, we must take care to ascribe all the glory to God by confessing our own weakness, and remembering the powers of the…

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Spurgeon PS1816

Spurgeon PS1816 EXPOSITION. Now comes the rescue. The Author is divine, "_He sent_;" the work is heavenly, "_from above_;" the deliverance is marvellous, "_he drew me out of many waters_."…

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Spurgeon PS1815

Spurgeon PS1815 EXPOSITION. So tremendous was the shock of God's assault in arms that the order of nature was changed, and the bottoms of rivers and seas were laid bare.…

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Spurgeon PS1814

Spurgeon PS1814 EXPOSITION. The lightnings were darted forth as forked arrows upon the hosts of the foe, and speedily "_scattered them_." Boastful sinners prove to be great cowards when Jehovah…

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Spurgeon PS1813

Spurgeon PS1813 EXPOSITION. Over all this splendour of tempest pealed the dread thunder. "_The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice_." Fit accompaniment for the…

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Spurgeon PS1812

Spurgeon PS1812 EXPOSITION. Suddenly the terrible artillery of heaven was discharged; the _brightness_ of lightning lit up the clouds as with a glory proceeding from him who was concealed within…

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Spurgeon PS1811

Spurgeon PS1811 EXPOSITION. The storm thickened, and the clouds pouring forth torrents of rain combined to form the secret chamber of the invisible but wonder-working God. "Pavilioned in impervious shade"…

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