Spurgeon PS1846

Spurgeon PS1846 EXPOSITION. "_The Lord liveth_." Possessing underived, essential, independent and eternal life. We serve no inanimate, imaginary, or dying God. He only hath immortality. Like loyal subjects let us…

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Spurgeon PS1845

Spurgeon PS1845 EXPOSITION. "_The strangers shall fade away_." Like sear leaves or blasted trees our foes and Christ's foes shall find no sap and stamina remaining in them. Those who…

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Spurgeon PS1844

Spurgeon PS1844 EXPOSITION. "_As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me_." Thus readily did the once struggling captain become a far-renowned victor, and thus easy shall be…

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Spurgeon PS1843

Spurgeon PS1843 EXPOSITION. "_Thou hast delivered me from the strivings of the people_." Internal strife is very hard to deal with. A civil war is war in its most miserable…

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Spurgeon PS1842

Spurgeon PS1842 EXPOSITION. The defeat of the nations who fought with King David was so utter and complete that they were like powders pounded in a mortar; their power was…

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Spurgeon PS1841

Spurgeon PS1841 EXPOSITION. "_They cried, but there was none to save them; even unto the Lord, but he answered them not_." Prayer is so notable a weapon that even the…

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Spurgeon PS1839

Spurgeon PS1839 EXPOSITION. 39,40. It is impossible to be too frequent in the duty of ascribing all our victories to the God of our salvation. It is true that we…

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Spurgeon PS1838

Spurgeon PS1838 EXPOSITION. The destruction of our spiritual enemies is complete. We may exult over sin, death and hell, as disarmed and disabled _for_ us by our conquering Lord; may…

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Spurgeon PS1837

Spurgeon PS1837 EXPOSITION. The preservation of the saints bodes ill for their adversaries. The Amalekites thought themselves clear away with their booty, but when David's God guided him in the…

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Spurgeon PS1836

Spurgeon PS1836 EXPOSITION. "_Thou hast enlarged my steps_." A smooth pathway leading to spacious possessions and camping-grounds had been opened up for him. Instead of threading the narrow mountain paths,…

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