Spurgeon PS033
Spurgeon PS033 EXPOSITION. Here David avows his confidence in God. "_Thou, O Lord, art a shield for me_." The word in the original signifies more than a shield; it means…
Spurgeon PS033 EXPOSITION. Here David avows his confidence in God. "_Thou, O Lord, art a shield for me_." The word in the original signifies more than a shield; it means…
Spurgeon PS031 TITLE.--"A Psalm of David when he fled from Absalom his Son." You will remember the sad story of David's flight from his own palace, when, in the dead…
Spurgeon PS0210 EXPOSITION. The scene again changes, and counsel is given to those who have taken counsel to rebel. They are exhorted to obey, and give the kiss of homage…
Spurgeon PS0207 EXPOSITION. This Psalm wears something of a dramatic form, for now another person is introduced as speaking. We have looked into the counsel-chamber of the wicked, and to…
Spurgeon PS0205 EXPOSITION. After he has laughed he shall _speak_; he needs not smite; the breath of his lips is enough. At the moment when their power is at its…
Spurgeon PS0204 EXPOSITION. Let us now turn our eyes from the wicked council-chamber and raging tumult of man, to the secret place of the majesty of the Most High. What…
Spurgeon PS0201 TITLE.--We shall not greatly err in our summary of this sublime Psalm if we call it THE PSALM OF MESSIAH THE PRINCE; for it sets forth as in…
Spurgeon PS016 EXPOSITION. Or, as the Hebrew hath it yet more fully, "The Lord is _knowing_ the way of the righteous." He is constantly looking on their way, and though…
Spurgeon PS014 EXPOSITION. We have now come to the second head of the Psalm. In this verse the contrast of the ill estate of the wicked is employed to heighten…
Spurgeon PS013 EXPOSITION. "_And he shall be like a tree planted_;" not a wild tree, but "a tree _planted_," chosen, considered as property, cultivated and secured from the last terrible…