ParentsLove Your Children PARENTS … LOVE YOUR CHILDREN By Kenneth Copeland

“A hug around the neck, a pat on the shoulder when they pass you in the House says as much as a dozen sermons.”

Galations 3:13,14 says “Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree: That the blessings of Abraham might come upon the gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through Faith.” This is a very familiar passage to most believers. It is a foundation truth in our Lives. We have been redeemed from everything under the curse of the Law. We don’t have to put up with it! There has been teaching about our redemption from sin, from sickness and disease, from poverty; but one part of the curse has to do with our children.
The curse of the Law stated in Deuteronomy 28, mentions children in 2 verses:Verse 32, “Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto other people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long,: and there shall be no might in thine hand.”
Verse 41, “Thou shall beget sons and daughters, but thou shalt not enjoy them; for they shall go into captivity.”

This is the testimony of many parents today. They watch helplessly as their children are taken captive by Drugs, alcohol, perversion and so forth. As believers, we can use our authority to stand against these forces. According to Galations 3:13, Jesus has broken the power of the curse, so we have the right to order satan out of our childrens lives. Most parents have to deal with the problem of Rebellion in their children, and it must be stopped quickly. Do not be guilty of ignoring symptoms of rebellion when your children are small. Don’t simply excuse it as a “Stage they are going through” and think that they will grow out of it. If you ignore it when they are small, you won’t be able to handle it when they get older and the rebellion has had time to develop into a strong force. When you see it coming, immediately go to the Word, Spend much time searching for scriptures you can use to combat these forces; then come togather (Husband and wife) and confess these scriptures before God.. Take authority in the Spirit realm and refuse to give satan any room to operate. This is OUR Responsibility as Christian parents. A child does not understand the spiritual forces coming against Him., it is up to the parents to fight the spiritual battles and to keep satan out of the childs life. Use the word and exercise authority over the rebellion at work, but dont stop there!!! Take every opportunity to minister LOVE to your children. Whenever they come around you, express your Love for them in some way. It wont take long for them to begin to respond to your Love. Don’t hesitate to show Love to your children. They will respond to it. A Hug around the Neck, a pat on the shoulder when they pass you in the house says as much as a dozen sermons. It won’t always be easy, there will be times when you will wanna break down and cry or lose your temper or do something else in the natural. If you should do something in the natural, that ya knew ya shouldn’t; that is the time to remember Jeremiah 31:16,17 – “Thus saith the Lord; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears, for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord, and they (your children) shall come again from the land of the enemy. And there is hope in thine end, saith the Lord, that thy children shall come again to their own border.”

My own mother cried over me for 15 years; then one morning she threw her bible on the kitchen table and said: ” Lord, I’ve cried over Him for the last time. I’m turning Him over to You. If You can do anything with him, do it. I’m through. ” In less than a month from that day, I was Saved!

Mothers, take God’s word for it. Receive Jeremiah 31:16,17 for yourselves. Stop weeping for your children and start believing the Word. That’s the only thing that will bring them around. I realize that seems hard. In fact, it is hard, but the lives of our children are at stake. So what does it matter how hard it is. The Word works.

Fathers, I am speaking to you, too! Its time for the fathers to get themselves involved in the spiritual activities of their families. For too long, the women have carried more than their share of family responsibility. Husbands and fathers, get on your knees before God and accept your place as Head of your Household. This is not a lightweight thing, it takes a committment on your part to fulfill your responsibilities. Get yourself straight before God; then see to your children. If necessary, go to your children and ask their forgiveness for neglecting them. I have had to learn these things the Hard way and I know what I am talking about. 2 Peter 2:9 says that God knows how to deliver. He knows how to do it, so give Him the opportunity. It doesn’t matter where your children are. They may be a thousand miles away or in the next room. You don’t have to be in their presence to take authority over Satan. Pray and Believe God with me now.


In the Name of Jesus, I am asking you to heal my Family. I believe and confess that the word of God prevails in the hearts and minds of every member of my family and that they walk in the reality of the Lordship of Jesus in every area. Those of my children that are out in the world, I ask you to bring them Home safely. They are being wooed into the family of God by the Love and compassion of the perfect laborers sent their way to bring them the knowledge of the truth. I believe I receive this now as I pray, in Jesus Name!

Now exercise your authority over satan: Satan, I speak to you in the Name of Jesus and i render you helpless in the lives of my children. I’m redeemed from having them taken captive by drugs, alcohol, or anything else you would try to use to hinder them from walking in victory as new creations in Christ. I break your Power and loose them from your influence! Desist in your maneuvers against my Family, in Jesus name!”

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