(Acts 24.)
ACTS 21. Paul's return to Jerusalem. He is be-
sought to tarry in Philip's house at Caesarea, but
declares his determination to preach the gospel in
Jerusalem. He goes to Jerusalem, is seized by the
Jews, and makes his defense before them (Acts 22),
but escapes scourging because he is a Soman citizen.
Acts 23. He is brought before the Jewish council.
The uproar between the Pharisees and Sadducees.
His heavenly vision. The forty men bind themselves
in a conspiracy to kill him. But the chief captain,
Claudius Lysias, is warned, and sends Paul away by
night to Cassarea.
Acts 24. Five days following, the high priest and
elders come down to Caesarea to try him before Felix,
the governor. They bring with them a lawyer, Ter-
tullus, to prosecute the case. After a statement of the
accusation by Tertullus, Paul defends himself in his
usual logical manner (vs. 10-21 inclusive). Felix, who
already has some knowledge of the claims of Chris-
tianity, defers judgment until the arrival of Lysias
from Jerusalem (vs. 22, 23). Thus the way is opened
for Paul's personal message to the governor, with its
ringing tones of sincerity, accusation and conviction.
1. The setting. Several days later, Felix and his
wife, Drusilla, whom he has stolen from another man
Azizus, the king of Emesa), while seated in the
marble palace of Csesarea happen to drift into a con-
versation regarding the noted prisoner. The result
is that Felix orders him brought up from the guard-
room to tell them more about the faith in Christ (v. 24).
Clank, clank drags the chain up the marble stairway,
and Paul walks into their presence, the stench of the
prison emanating from his clothes, a little man only
about sixty years old, but looking as if he might be
eighty. He bows courteously to the governor and the
beautiful woman by his side. At their request, he
begins to present the first principles of the faith. Note
his tactful and logical introduction.
What an opportunity to show off his oratorical
ability! He might have orated about Greek culture,
or the injustice of Roman taxation, or the ancient
mythologies, or the magnificence of the Acropolis, or
the prison life at Philippi. No public speaker ever
had better opportunity to display his ability! But
Paul realizes his great responsibility to God (1 Cor.
9:16). Here are a man and woman living in sin,
and he may never have another opportunity to talk to
them about the things of eternity. Paul never allowed
such an opportunity to pass by unembraced.
When the ministry as a whole to-day realize their
responsibility in the sight of God, there will follow the
greatest period of evangelism the world has ever
known. Preaching and lecturing are two different
provinces of activity. The man who lectures should
go on the platform where he belongs! The man who
preaches should stay in the pulpit! Only the man
who has a deep interest in the salvation of humanity
is really fit for the ministry of the gospel.
2. The message (v. 25). It centered about three
great phases of the Christian life.
a. Righteousness, or doing the will of God. This
term includes even more than morality. It also in-
cludes obedience. Jesus was baptized in the Jordan,
not because He had committed sin (Heb. 4:15; 1
John 3:5), but in order to do the will of God (Matt.
3:15), and set the example for mankind. An indi-
vidual may be moral, as Cornelius; but he can not be
righteous until he does the will of God implicitly, as
did Cornelius in obeying the gospel and becoming a
Christian (Acts 10). The entire doctrine of Christ is
the "word of righteousness" (Heb. 5:12-14). It
includes everything whereby the sinner is justified and
reconciled to God (Eom. 5:9, 10; Col. 1:19-23; Mark
16 : 16 ; Acts 2 : 37-40 ; Gal. 3 : 26-29) . The will of God
towards man is revealed in the gospel of His Son
(John 3:16, 17; 14:6-9; Kom. 4:13; 2 Cor. 5:17-21).
Hence the gospel is called the "law of righteousness"
(Rom. 9:31). When Paul reasoned of righteousness,
he preached the facts of the gospel (1 Cor. 15:1-4),
and stated the commands of the gospel (Mark 16 : 16 ;
Acts 2:38), urging obedience to the will of God.
b. Temperance, or the crucifixion of the lusts of
the flesh (Gal. 2:20; 5:19-24). This related par-
ticularly to the Christian life. It was a terrible blow
to Felix, who was at that very time living in adultery.
c. Judgment to come (Rom. 14:10-12; 2 Cor. 5:10,
11). Paul usually closed his arguments by referring
to the resurrection of Jesus, as positive evidence of
the general resurrection and judgment of all mankind
(Acts 17:30, 31; 1 Cor. 15:12-26). By this time he
has reached the climax of his message. He is now
portraying the wrath of God to be visited upon the
world of the ungodly (2 Thess. 1:7-9; 1 Pet. 4:17-19;
2 Pet. 2:9-14; 3:3-10).
3. The effect (v. 25) . Felix "trembles" before Paul's
burning eloquence, yet delays his repentance. Drusilla
becomes an irreconcilable enemy. Why does Felix pro-
crastinate? Why does he order Paul back to the
guard-room ?
a. . He does not want to give up his vices. He can
not give up his adulterous companionship with Dru-
silla. How many to-day are married to the pleasures
and lusts of the world ! They can not expect to retain
these pet sins, and continue to gratify carnal desires,
and get to heaven! They must surrender to Christ.
For this reason they continue to procrastinate.
b. He is very busy with affairs of state. Many
people get so busy with temporal pursuits that they
have no time for Christ. Too busy with law, with
politics, with medicine, with science! This is an age
of commercialism. The world in general is pursuing
the quest of wealth. The church is putting a com-
mercial value on everything. Real estate, stocks and
bonds, bank accounts, mortgages, memorandum books,
business, business, business! No time for Christ!
Consequently, those who are slaves of commercialism
are waiting for a more convenient season.
c. He can not give up the honors of the world.
He can not give up the governorship of a Soman prov-
ince to become a follower of the lowly Nazarene, a
member of that sect everywhere persecuted (Acts
28:22). Hundreds of people have bartered their
souls for political power. Hundreds have sacrificed all
hopes of heaven for social distinction. Even ministers
of the gospel have sacrificed the primitive faith, and
are catering to denominationalism, in order to achieve
distinction, and gain the flattery of the masses.
But death is the leveler of all ranks. In death,
appetite, lust, wealth, popularity, all temporal things,
pass away. Why will you sacrifice redemption, immor-
tality and eternal life — things that are eternal — for
the gratification of temporal ambition? Why not
break down all barriers and accept Jesus Christ now !
(2 Cor. 6:2).
We note, in conclusion, how the three earthly rulers
before whom Paul pleaded his case, regarded his mes-
Felix said: "Go thy way for this time; when I
have a convenient season, I will call for thee" (Acts
24:25). But that convenient season never came, and
Felix sank deeper and deeper into iniquity.
Festus said: "Paul, thou art beside thyself; much
learning doth make thee mad" (Acts 26:24). Al-
though more honorable in his dealings than Felix,
he viewed the story as the superstition of a fanatic.
Agrippa said: "Almost thou persuadest me to be a
Christian" (Acts 26:28). But he was never altogether
persuaded, and never any nearer God.
Are you procrastinating? Are you, in spirit
ordering the apostle back to the guard-room? Then,
listen to the warnings of God (Matt. 6 : 33 ; Luke
12:19-21; Jas. 4:13, 14). Hell will be populated
with the victims of procrastination. Be not almost, but
altogether, persuaded, now, to own Jesus as your Christ.