Pornography Report K Mart

Pornography Report

THE SWORD OF THE LORD – December 21, 1990 issue.

NEWS of Interest to Christians

K Mart adds Child Pornography to Book Line; Now Carries Adult Porn, Homosexual Porn and Child Porn.

According to an article in the CLERMONT COUNTY (OH) REVIEW, K Mart has added child pornography to the line of pornography they are now selling in Waldens bookstores. K Mart owns Waldenbooks.

In an article headlined “Kiddie porn on sale at mall bookstores,” the paper cited the kind of child pornography K Mart sells.

“Child pornography is not exclusively a photographic phenomenon. Some of the kinkiest kiddie porn is in written form, available at the Eastgate and Beechmont malls,” the REVIEW article said. “Waldenbooks, a national retail chain with stores in Union and Anderson townships, carries a series of novels published by Blue Moon Books in New York, New York. The series, called ‘The Victorian Era,’ describes in lurid detail sadomasochistic torture, rape and sodomy inflicted on children.

“The Blue Moon books contain no photography,” the paper said, “but the text focuses on teenage girls subject to various kinds of sexual violence. ‘Anonymous’ is the author’s name on most of the books, which share a fixation on children.

“Dara Tyson, spokesman for Waldenbooks at the company’s headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut, said the Blue Moon books are a hit. ‘I guess they would be considered erotica,’ Tyson said. ‘They have done very well.’

“How well books are written is a matter for readers’ judgment, but the message of the authors is clear: children are wonderful sex objects. The books make frequent mention of the fictional characters’ ages.”

The article went on to describe some of the child pornography books offered by Waldenbooks. “Sandra Williams is a heroine in Finishing School, for example. The anonymous author describes the youthful infatuation of a pupil for her teacher.

“Sandra Williams was a pupil who believed herself in love with her teacher,” the book says. “There is no sacrifice that a girl will not make for her first love at 15. The sacrifice in this instance is forcible sex, followed by several pages’ depiction of a session with a whip.”

“Nor is Sandra Williams’s plight unique. The same book details the sexual experiences of two sisters named Sharon, 17, and Victoria, 15, who are flogged, branded and sodomized. Again age appears pivotal to the plot.

“Seventeen year old, Sharon?” the child’s tormentor asks. “Ever had 60 (lashes) before?”

The REVIEW article described Elaine Cox, another character in Finishing School. “A red line of punctuation dots welled up from the crimson bambooprint and trickled down the surging cheeks of Elaine Cox’s 15-year-old backside,” the book says.

The article also contained material from the book, That Wicked Summer, which describes in detail the ordeal of Elke Mahne, 16. The book contains a chapter called ‘A Fine Havana,’ in which even a burning cigar becomes a sex toy for use with children.”

The article said that it was a book entitled Ellen’s Story, “available at Waldenbooks…, that perhaps best captures the spirit of the Blue Moon Series.” Is it any wonder that I nursed the deep-rooted conviction that girls were especially created to have their bottoms whipped, and that men were created to do the whipping?’ the narrator asks. There follows a description of an orgy in which clergymen take turns sexually assaulting and brutalizing a young girl.”

K Mart is one of the largest retailers of pornography in America. They also carry a line of homosexual pornography in their Waldenbooks bookstores, including magazines such as Meat, Wad and Raunch. K Mart has consistently refused to get out of the pornography business.

Concerned individuals are encouraged to boycott K Mart. They are also urged to call their local K Mart store and tell the manager they will be boycotting K Mart and asking others to do the same. And they can write Chairman. Joseph Antonini, K Mart Corporation, 3100 West Big Beaver Road, Troy, MI 48084, phone 1-800-635-6278. K Mart owns Waldenbooks, Payless Drug Stores, Builders Square home supply stores and PACE Membership Warehouse stores.

K Mart will probably respond to inquiries by saying that they have no control over the kinds of pornography Waldenbooks sells. That answer is not correct. K Mart owns Waldenbooks; all profits from Waldenbooks go to K Mart. Waldenbooks will get out of the pornography business the day that K Mart tells them to do so.

Sears, Montgomery Ward, Wal-Mart, J.C.Penney and other family-oriented stores aren’t in the porn business. They have too much respect for themselves and our families. K Mart feels that the profit they make from pornography is more important than our children and our families. Don’t shop at a store that is helping destroy the hearts, minds and souls of our children.