Power Of A Leader Title: The Power of a Leader Text: Selected

Tracing: Preached November 1, 1992 PM at SDCC

  1. INTRO

    How much influence can our leaders really have anyway? In a nation as large as this, how much difference can one men or a handful of men make — either for good or for harm? Many discount such influence, believing that society has a momentum of its own — a juggernaut that, once headed in the wrong way, will carry even the greatest leaders to destruction with it.

    Such is not entirely the case. In reality a single prominent leader can carry tremendous influence for good or for evil. History, and biblical history, is replete with examples. This evening, we will look at biblical examples to see the effect one leader can have!

  2. BODY
    1. The Effect of a Single Righteous Leader.
      1. Moses – saved his people from God’s wrath (Num 14:10-24 16:19-24)
      2. Josiah – saved his people from God’s wrath (2KI 22:18-20)
      3. Daniel – even influenced major world empires (Dan. 4:34-37)

Therefore — try to choose leaders who will bring revival

2. The Effect of a Single Wicked Leader.

  1. For Brevity – consider just Manasseh (2Ki 21:1-17 24:3-4)
  2. Greater effect than a righteous leader can counteract (2Ki 23:24-27)

By the way, did you note one of the major indictments against Manassah: shedding of innocent blood! That was the reason God would not relent! WHAT ELSE IS ABORTION????? They sacrificed their children to idols in order to recieve the favor of the Gods and be more prosperous. Our society sacrifices its children to convenience in order to keep more of our abundance for ourselves! It is my hope that we will see a swift end to the holocaust of abortion and that a revival will postpone our fall for a generation or two. But it is my suspicion that that is the BEST we can hope for. That God may POSTPONE His wrath, but with regard to a pardon He will say “They have filled the land with innocent blood and I am not willing to forgive!” I hope for a swift end to abortion — but I know that it is highly unlikely to occur in two of the three possible outcomes of the presidential race.  Therefore — Avoid choosing leaders who will cause moral and spiritual decay.

3. The Promise to a Righteous Remnant.

  1. God always has a faithful remnant
  2. God always rewards a faithful remnant (Zech. 8:9-15)

    Choose carefully as you vote — one man can have great influence! In any case, be sure that you are part of the faithful!


Prepared by Scott L. Purcell Minister of Stokelan Drive Christian Church 1501 Stokelan Drive Malden, MO 63863 (314) 276-2343 Reproduce, modify, and use freely for the glory of God and the Growth of the Kingdom! If these outlines are of some benefit to you, a note, postcard, or phone-call would be most welcome!