- As the Son of God, is the power of God # Joh 5:17-19 10:28-30
- As man, is from the Father # Ac 10:38
- DESCRIBED AS 3a) Supreme
# Eph 1:20,21 1Pe 3:22
3b) Unlimited # Mt 28:18 3c) Over all flesh # Joh 17:2 3d) Over all things # Joh 3:35 Eph 1:22 3e) Glorious # 2Th 1:9 3f) Everlasting # 1Ti 6:16 4) Is able to subdue all things # Php 3:21 5) EXHIBITED IN 5a) Creation # Joh 1:3,10 Col 1:16 5b) Upholding all things # Col 1:17 Heb 1:3 5c) Salvation # Isa 63:1 Heb 7:25 5d) His teaching # Mt 7:28,29 Lu 4:32 5e) Working miracles # Mt 8:27 Lu 5:17 5f) Enabling others to work miracles # Mt 10:1 Mr 16:17,18 Lu 10:17 5g) Forgiving sins # Mt 9:6 Ac 5:31 5h) Giving spiritual life # Joh 5:21,25,26 5i) Giving eternal life # Joh 17:2 5j) Raising the dead # Joh 5:28,29 5k) Raising himself from the dead # Joh 2:19-21 10:18 5l) Overcoming the world # Joh 16:33 5m) Overcoming Satan # Col 2:15 Heb 2:14 5n) Destroying the works of Satan # 1Jo 3:8 6) Ministers should make known # 2Pe 1:16 7) SAINTS 7a) Made willingly by # Ps 110:3 7b) Helped by # Heb 2:18 7c) Strengthened by # Php 4:13 2Ti 4:17 7d) Preserved by # 2Ti 1:12 4:18 7e) Bodies of, shall be changed by # Php 3:21 8) Rests upon saints # 2Co 12:9 9) Present in the assembly of saints # 1Co 5:4 10) Shall be specially manifested at his second coming # Mr 13:26 2Pe 1:16 11) Shall subdue all power # 1Co 15:24 12) The wicked shall be destroyed by # Ps 2:9 Isa 11:4 63:3 2Th 1:9