God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
Godly sorrow springs from a view of a suffering Savior, and manifests itself by hatred of self, abhorrence of sin, groaning over our backslidings, grief of soul for being so often entangled by our lusts and passions, and is accompanied by softness, meltings of heart, flowings of love to the Redeemer, indignation against ourselves, and earnest desires never to sin more.
(Acts 12:5.)
THIS subject is one that has been misconstrued
and misrepresented. It has been badly handled
by those who know more of theology than the Bible.
Treatises have been devoted to the psychology and
philosophy of prayer, that contain a considerable
amount of error when subjected to the light of God's
infinite truth. The Bible gives us a better understand-
ing of prayer than any volume on record. Let us
remember that the oracles of God are infallible under
all circumstances.
Prayer is a natural instinct of man. It is as
natural for man to pray when in sorrow as to eat when
hungry. Prayer is common to all races and nation-
alities. Heathen nations pray with fervor for the
blessings of their deities. Indeed, it is doubtful if a
human being ever existed who did not voice, at some
time in life, the sentiment of his soul to some higher
But as all human systems of religion are full of
error, so men are liable to do things, in the name of
religion, that are wrong in the sight of God. As the
Bible is the only positive revelation of God to man,
to the Bible we go for an understanding of this
subject. We study it, like all other Scriptural terms,
principally by the use of the concordance. This is the
only way to get the Bible teaching in full regarding
any subject.
1. The meaning of prayer. The form of words
used in praying. A supplication addressed to God.
Prayer is not desire. Prayer must be made in
intelligible statements. Jesus taught his disciples to
pray after a certain manner, and then gave them the
form of words (Matt. 6:9-13). Hannah spoke in her
heart, yet her lips moved in prayer (1 Sam. 1: 12-17).
All the prayers of Jesus, on divine record, were stated
in words. We must do more than desire — we must ask
for what we would receive ( 1 Sam. 1 : 27 ; John 14 :
13; 1 John 3:22).
Prayer is not vain repetition (Matt. 6:7). It is
a simple, fervent, open-hearted talk with God.
2. Prayer must be made with the understanding.
Spiritual understanding is the knowledge of God's
will (Col. 1:9). The only way we can know God's
will is to study the Word (2 Tim. 2:15). It is
possible to pray a false doctrine and to sing a false
doctrine. Many of our old hymns teach Calvinism,
and should be discarded. We can sing and pray in
ignorance of the will of God; or we can sing and
pray with the understanding (1 Cor. 14:15; 2 Tim.
1: 12, 13). To pray with the understanding is to pray
in accordance with the teaching of the Word. The
Bible is our only text-book on prayer.
3. Whose prayers God has promised to hear (Isa.
1:10-17). He will not hear the prayers of those who
walk in the evil way (1 Pet. 3:12; Jas. 5:16). He
will hear the prayers of the righteous. Righteousness
is doing the will of God. Jesus was baptized in the
Jordan to fulfill all righteousness (Matt. 3:15).
Prayer is not the province of the sinner (John
9:31). God does not hear the sinner, but He does
hear the man who does His will. Prayer is the
province of the Christian, of the one who has been
redeemed by the blood of Christ.
In the tabernacle of the old institution, which was
a type of the church (Heb. 9), the altar of incense
typified prayer. It was located in the Holy Place
just before the partition veil, through which entrance
was made into the Holy of Holies. Now, the Holy
Place typified the temporal church, and the Holy of
Holies typified the church eternal, or heaven. The
altar of incense was located in the Holy Place; there-
fore prayer comes within the church. The altar of
incense was located nearest to the Holy of Holies;
therefore prayer is the thing which will bring the
Christian closest to God. It is the province of the
Christian, and not of the sinner.
4. The posture in prayer. There are instances on
record of various postures in prayer.
a. Standing (2 Chron. 20:5; Luke 18:13).
b. Bowing (Neh. 8:6; Ex. 4:31).
c. Kneeling (Luke 21:41; Acts 7:60; 9:40; 20:
36; 21:5).
d. Prostrated (Josh. 5:14; Matt. 26:39).
No exact posture for prayer has been determined.
Secret prayer, however, brings the soul into closer com-
munion with God (Matt. 6:6). Public prayer is often
made to be heard of men, and does not draw the wor-
shiper as close to God.
5. Conditions necessary to the answer of prayer.
There are certain factors which must enter into prayer
before God will answer it. What are they?
a. There must be no iniquity in the heart, of the
one who prays (Ps. 66:18). Sin separates man from
God; consequently it must be removed from the heart
before prayer can be answered.
b. The "Word must abide in the heart of the one who
prays (John 15:7; 1 John 3:22).
c. Prayer must be made in faith (Jas. 1:6). We
must believe unwaveringly that we will receive that for
which we pray, providing it is the will of God (Matt.
21:22; Jas. 5:15). We must keep in mind, however,
that miracles were only necessary in the infancy of the
church. Hence God will not set aside a natural law
to answer prayer. Miracles ceased with the passing
of the apostles and the establishment of the church
(1 Cor. 13:8-10). We need not pray for the extra-
ordinary. Prayer must be confined to the operation of
natural laws.
d. Prayer must be made with the help of the Holy
Spirit (Eom. 8:26, 27). We often pray in ignorance
when we lean upon our own understanding. Through
the word of God, the Holy Spirit teaches us how to
pray. Moreover, He carries the prayers of the saints
to the throne of the Most High.
e. Prayer must be made in the name of Christ (John
14: 13, 14; 16: 23; Heb. 4: 15, 16). Man has no credit
at the bank of heaven. His personal check must be
endorsed by the name of Christ. The precious name of
our Master makes any petition acceptable in heaven.
f. Prayer must be fervent and sincere (Ps. 17:1;
Col. 4:12; Jas. 5:16).
g. Prayer must be constant (Col. 4:2; 1 Thess.
5: 17). We should pray in times of success, as well as
in times of sorrow. If we do not receive that for which
we ask, immediately, we should pray again and again.
Prayer includes both thanksgiving and petition.
h. Prayer must not be selfish (Jas. 4:3).
i. When prayer is made by two or more saints in
perfect agreement, under all conditions imposed, it shall
be granted (Matt. 18:19; Acts 12:3-17).
j. Prayer must always allow for the will of God to
be done (Matt. 6:10; 26:39, 42; 1 John 5:14). The
will of God must always determine the answer to
prayer. God can look into the future and see what is
best for us. Personal experience has proven that we
are often benefited because our prayers have remained
unanswered. The general sentiment of prayer must
be T "Thy will be done."
6. Prayer will not set aside positive law. There are
many examples on divine record to prove this state-
a. Prov. 28 : 9. Prayer will not set aside law. The
prayer of the man who disregards the law of God is
an abomination.
b. Numbers 12. Miriam incurred the displeasure of
God and was punished with leprosy. She prayed for
God to heal her; Aaron also prayed that she might be
cleansed. Finally, Moses, God's chosen leader, prayed
that she might be healed (v. 13). But God had already
ordained a law for the cleansing of lepers (Lev. 14).
So God told Moses that the only way in which Miriam
could be cleansed would be by compliance with estab-
lished law (v. 14). Moses had to stop that entire
procession of the Israelites for seven days, in order that
Miriam might be kept without the camp the allotted
time and be cleansed according to law (v. 15).
c. Luke 23 : 34. Jesus Christ, from the cross, prayed
that those who were crucifying Him might be forgiven.
But were they forgiven, then? No. God had previously
ordained a law of restoration for the remission of sins
(Matt. 16:19; Mark 16:16). Those Jews who were
guilty of crucifying Christ with their own wicked hands
(Acts 2:23, 36) were not pardoned until they obeyed
this law of restoration on the day of Pentecost (Acts
2:37-47). Even the prayer of our Lord did not set
aside a positive law! How, then, can we presume to
do so with impunity?
d. Acts 8 : 36-39. Philip did not tell the eunuch to
pray for salvation. He required him to believe and be
e. Acts 10 : 1-6 ; 10 : 47, 48 ; 11 : 14. Cornelius was
not saved by prayer, but by obedience to the commands
of the gospel.
f. Acts 22 : 16 ; 9 : 9-11. Saul had been praying
for three days when Ananias found him. But his
sins were not washed away until he obeyed the law
of God.
g. 1 John 3 : 22. We must keep His commandments
before we can expect to receive what w T e ask of Him.
Obedience is the demonstration of genuine love.
Prayer is not a substitute for the gospel plan of
salvation — faith, repentance, confession and baptism.
We can not pray away God's positive law of restora-
tion any more than we can cause the sun to cease
shining, or the earth to cease revolving. His spiritual
laws are just as positive, divine and immutable as His
natural laws.
One of the growing evils of the day is the lack of
prayer among professed Christians. We allow material
interests to take up the time which should be devoted
to communion with God. May God hasten the day
when family prayer will be restored in the homes of
all disciples of the lowly Nazarene! Prayer is essential
to spiritual development — individual, congregational or