When you have taken your seat in the cate-
chetical class, and before the regular in-
struction begins, lift your heart to God in
silent meditation and prayer. The follow-
ing prayer may assist you.

Lord Jesus, the true light which light-
eneth every man that cometh into the world,
who hast appointed the ministers of Thy
word to teach us to observe all things what-
soever Thou hast commanded; grant me
grace, as from the lips of my pastor,to learn
of Thee. Reveal Thy holy gospel to me; by
Thy Holy Spirit enlighten and instruct me
in the knowledge of God and divine things;
open the ears of my heart to be occupied
with Thy law day and night; strengthen
and confirm me in religion; unite me more
closely to Thyself and Thy holy flock; deli-
ver me from all impiety, and give no place
to the adversary to get advantage against
me; cleanse me from all pollution of flesh
and spirit, and dwell in me by Thy grace;
bless my going out and my coming in, and
direct me in all my designs and purposes.
Prepare me, Lord Jesus, for the full com-
munion of Thy Church here, and for the
enjoyment of Thy presence and glory in
heaven, for the sake of Thy blessed merits
and mediation. Amen.