The Bible teaches that in heaven there will be redeemed people from every language and ethnic group, from every racial group, from all the families and nations of mankind, all around the throne of God worshipping Him.

Whenever a person receives Jesus Christ by faith as Savior and Lord, that person’s previous ethnic or racial or cultural status is superseded by the “new creation”, their new identity as part of God’s “holy nation.”

The apostle Peter wrote, “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light…” (I Peter 2:9 NKJ)

Becoming a Christian will not change the texture of your hair or your skin color, but with Jesus Christ as your King, all other loyalties or identifying factors become much less important. Our common identity with Christians of other races or nations is an eternally stronger bond than we have with even our own parents or siblings, unless these physical relatives have also trusted in Christ.

If you claim the name of “Christian”, Jesus your Lord demands that you acknowledge your obedience to Him as the controlling factor in your life. He also demands that you acknowledge Christians of any race or nation as your brothers and sisters, to whom you owe an eternal loyalty. Read Matthew 11 and 25, and John 17.

Some people who claim to be Christians actually hate people of other races, even Christians of other races. John wrote, “If someone says, `I love God,’ and hates his brother, HE IS A LIAR; for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.” (I John 4:20) Read the whole letter of I John, and note the “symptoms” of someone who has eternal life.

If you realize that you are not yet a real Christian, put aside any hatred you bear, and repent from all your other sins, too, and join the Forever Family today: Put your trust in Jesus. [Clyde Price, Arrows30] [Re: Arrows30–author’s note to all future

editors: DO NOT edit out the paragraph containing I John 4:20. If you refuse to print this, you do NOT have permission to print this article, and you probably should not use this collection. If the shoe fits, don’t wear it; REPENT. If you are afraid to take a stand, confess your sin of the fear of man, lay down your life for the gospel, and BE BOLD, BE STRONG, FOR THE LORD YOUR GOD IS WITH YOU.