- Antiquity of # Ge 4:13,14
- Power of inflicting, given to magistrates # Job 31:11 Ro 13:4
- Designed to be a warning to others # De 13:11 17:13 19:20
- WERE INFLICTED 4a) On the guilty
# De 24:16 Pr 17:26
4b) Without pity # De 19:13,21 4c) Without partiality # De 13:6-8 4d) By order of magistrates # Ac 16:22 4e) By order of kings # 2Sa 1:13-16 1Ki 2:23-46 4f) Immediately after sentence was passed # De 25:2 Jos 7:25 4g) By the witnesses # De 13:9 17:7 Joh 8:7 Ac 7:58,59 4h) By the people # Nu 15:35,36 De 13:9 4i) By soldiers # 2Sa 1:15 Mt 27:27-35 5) Sometimes deferred until God was consulted # Nu 15:34 6) Sometimes deferred for a considerable time # 1Ki 2:5,6,8,9 7) SECONDARY KINDS OF 7a) Imprisonment # Ezr 7:26 Mt 5:25 7b) Confinement in a dungeon # Jer 38:6 Zec 9:11 7c) Confinement in stocks # Jer 20:2 Ac 16:24 7d) Fine, or giving of money # Ex 21:22 De 22:19 7e) Restitution # Ex 21:36 22:1-4 Le 6:4,5 24:18 7f) Retaliation or injuring according to the injury done # Ex 21:24 De 19:21 7g) Binding with chains and fetters # Ps 105:18 7h) Scourging # De 25:2,3 Mt 27:26 Ac 22:25 2Co 11:24 7i) Selling the criminal # Mt 18:25 7j) Banishment # Ezr 7:26 Re 1:9 7k) Torturing # Mt 18:34 Heb 11:37 7l) Putting out the eyes # Jud 16:21 1Sa 11:2 7m) Cutting off hands and feet # 2Sa 4:12 7n) Mutilating the hands and feet # Jud 1:5-7 7o) Cutting off nose and ears # Eze 23:25 7p) Plucking out the hair # Ne 13:25 Isa 50:6 7q) Confiscating the property # Ezr 7:26 8) Inflicting of capital, not permitted to the Jews by the Romans # Joh 18:31 9) CAPITAL KINDS OF 9a) Burning # Ge 38:24 Le 20:14 Da 3:6 9b) Hanging # Nu 25:4 De 21:22,23 Jos 8:29 2Sa 21:12 Es 7:9,10 9c) Crucifying # Mt 20:19 27:35 9d) Beheading # Ge 40:19 Mr 6:16,27 9e) Slaying with the sword # 1Sa 15:33 Ac 12:2 9f) Stoning # Le 24:14 De 13:10 Ac 7:59 9g) Cutting in pieces # Da 2:5 Mt 24:51 9h) Sawing asunder # Heb 11:37 9i) Exposing to wild beasts # Da 6:16,24 1Co 15:32 9j) Bruising in mortars # Pr 27:22 9k) Casting headlong from a rock # 2Ch 25:12 9l) Casting into the sea # Mt 18:6 10) Strangers not exempted from # Le 20:2 11) Were sometimes commuted # Ex 21:29,30 12) For murder not to be commuted # Nu 35:31,32