- Q1 What is the chief end (purpose) of man
- Q2 What rule has God given to
- Q3 What do the ScripturesTe
- Q4 What is God
- Q5 Are there more gods than on
- Q6 How manyare there in the
- Q7 What are the decrees of God
- Q8 How does God execute His de
- Q9 What is the work of creatio
- Q10 How did God create man
- Q11 What are Gods works of pr
- Q12 What special actttoward
- q13 Did our parents continue
- Q14 What is sin
- Q15Did allAdamstransgr
- Q16 Into what estate did the f
- Q17 the sinfulness of that
- Q18 What is the misery of that
- Q19 Did God leave all mankind
- Q20 Who is the Redeemer of God
- Q21 How did Christbecome ma
- Q22 Christoffice of Rede
- Q23 Christoffice of Prop
- Q24 Christoffice of a Pr
- Q25 Christoffice of a Ki
- Q26 Christs humiliation co
- Q27Christ exaltation
- Q28How are we made partakers
- Q29 How does the Spirit aply
- Q29 wicked at the day of ju
- Q30 What is effectual calling
- Q31 benefitcalledin t
- Q32 What is justification
- Q33 What is adoption
- Q34 What is sanctification
- Q35 justificationadoption
- Q36 believersat death
- Q37Believersat resurrect
- Q38 wicked at their death
- Q40 What did God reveal to man
- Q41 What is the sum of the ten
- Q42 Which is the first command
- Q43 What is required in the fi
- Q44 Which is the second comman
- Q45 What is required in the se
- Q46 What is forbiden in the se
- Q47 Which is the third command
- Q48 What is required in the th
- Q49 Which is the fourth comman
- Q50What is required in the fo
- Q51 How is the sabbath to be s
- Q52Which is the fifth command
- Q53 What is required in the fi
- Q54 What is the reasonthe f
- Q55 Which is the sixth command
- Q56 What is forbiden in the si
- Q57 Which is the seventh comma
- Q58 For is forbiden in the sev
- Q59 Which is the eighth comman
- Q60 What is forbiden in the ei
- Q61 What is the ninth commandm
- Q62 What is required in the ni
- Q63 Which is the tenth command
- Q64 What is forbiden in the te
- Q65 keep the commandments o
- Q66 Are all transgressionsh
- Q67 What does every sin deserv
- Q68How may we escape His wrat
- Q69What is faith in Jesus Chr
- Q70 What is repentance to life
- Q71 What are the meansredem
- Q72 How is the Wordto salva
- Q73 How is the Word to be read
- Q74 baptismLords supper
- Q75 What is baptism
- Q76 To whom is baptismadmin
- Q77 Are the infantsto be ba
- Q78 How is baptism rightly adm
- Q79 What is the duty ofbapt
- Q80 What is the Lords supper
- Q81 What is required to receive the Lord’s Supper?
- Q82 meaninguntil He com
Q49 Which is the fourth comman
49 Q Which is the fourth commandment? A The fourth commandment is, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor they cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.”