Quietness For The Believer


Never in the history of the world was it so necessary for the child of God to seek and find that quiet place in Him, and to watch and pray.

Never was it so necessary to plead the precious protecting blood of Jesus. If we do not understand just what it means to hide under His blood, by faith, let us seek to know, and in our very seeking we shall find.

Our blessed Savior will keep us in victory and prevent the enemy from sweeping us off our feet, if we will but stay under the “Blood of the Everlasting Covenant” – for under no other condition can God direct and carry us through the days of deepening darkness now upon us.

Dear child of God, let us depend upon the power of the Holy Spirit and the power of the blood of Jesus Christ as our only merit, for this is God’s order.

God says in I Peter 2:6 – “Behold (stop and think) I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone (Jesus Christ) and he that believeth on Him SHALL NOT BE ASHAMED.” Do you really understand all that this means?

If we believe God’s Word and obey, we “shall be kept.” If we do NOT believe but disobey, then no “mighty works” can be done either for or by us. It would seem there is no greater sin than unbelief.

Let US believe God – He has taken us OUT of Egypt; but now He would take Egypt out of US!

The perilous days (2 Tim. 3:1) are upon us. We live amid conflicting thoughts and fears; the din of battle rises high with the clash of arms; and the cries of the oppressed, the suffering, wounded and dying press heavily upon us.

Satan is striving to fill the hearts of the good and the wicked alike with rush, an aching need of incessant activity which shall leave no time to hear God’s voice or know what His Word reveals for these last days. He is prodding on – hastening multitudes know not whither.

He is striving to overthrow God’s children and to destroy the works of God, in the world.

Let us, God’s children, believe His Word and stand up for Jesus – dare to defeat the devil in our own life by not believing his lie. Believe God’s Word just as it is written: “Let not your heart be troubled.” Believe this with all your heart and there will be a transmutation of the Word itself into your life of that River of Peace whose spring is in God.

Our part is to “let not” (do not give away or under). God will then do His part of keeping the fear and trouble from harming us.

God gives quietness. The atmosphere of His presence is always peace. Quietness is a necessary element of greatness, and the truly great man knows that victory belongs to God, and while he walks with Him, he can quietly meet a great deal that seems defeat.

Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee (Is. 26:3). Quietness and faith walk hand in hand, one begets the other.

Complete yielding of ourselves (Rom. 6:3-13) to God’s blessed control brings to us that quietness and peace which was so marked in Christ Jesus. And as we put on Christ by absolute surrender to Him, we are accepted in the Beloved and our lives become hid with Christ in God (Col. 3:3, Is. 22: 19-24).

Thus when we have come to the end of our own striving after repeated falls, and trying again, we gladly and utterly relax our efforts, and by faith enter into His Rest (Heb. 4:10). He by His presence in us soothes our spirits, stills our agitated thoughts and gives peace of mind, mental rest and quiet confidence.

We are content in Him, letting His wise and loving hand arrange and “bring to pass” His perfect will in everything which concerns us.

Jesus said: My peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). Yet He knew the next hours would bring the awful agony attending His substitutional sacrifice for a lost world, the full import of which man’s finite mind can never grasp. Do we find ourselves agitated, as burdens and cares and troubles loom mountain high, and the wheels seem to drive heavily? We must realize that somewhere, back in the path, we took things into our own hands, to weigh and work out, or we are trying to carry too much of the “yoke” which has caused us to step out of the quiet of the “secret place” of His presence.

It is time gained, if we wait upon Him for victory. For when our spirits have been freed, His blessed quiet so fills and lifts, that He can work through us in far more effective measure and without friction. If we find our peace of mind disturbed, our spirit excited by contact with others, we must plead the blood of Jesus until we obtain victory and are quieted. Ask God definitely to quiet and cover the mind with the Blood. Wait thou upon God.

For in Jehovah, our “everlasting strength” (Is. 26:4) is peace, and in him who dares to be quiet, there comes the sweet message from our Christ, “Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (Jn. 16:33). Hide in Him, and His overcoming power will be made manifest in your every trial.

We behold righteousness give place to self-centering schemes; truth covers her face before the sleek tongued policy that asserts itself in business and social life, and yet, He keeps us in quietness, such precious quietness.

To the overcomers God gives his definite message: “Because ye have kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth” (Rev. 3:10).

“Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near” (Is. 55:6).

He calms our fears and assures us He is noting all; that though He is behind the shadows, He is keeping watch and every wrong must sooner or later meet its own reward, that every form of self will eventually face its own death, that He is God over all and He is righteous, that He is keeping faithful accounts, and not only shall all men know that He is God (Is. 52:6) and that He loves, but every work also, whether good or bad, shall meet its just reward .

Quietly believe and obey God.

Put on the Garment of Praise and wear it – Believe – Receive – Rejoice – Rest – Relax. Because He lives, He cares – because He cares He is coming soon; may you and I be found ready.

“The Bride MADE herself ready:” used every means of grace at her disposal.

By the tender mercy of our God let us Believe His Word “until the day break and the shadows flee away.”

“Behold, God is my salvation,
I will trust and not be afraid”

(Isaiah 12:2).

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