Reaction To God by Barry Davi


JOB 42:1-6


  • It has been said, “for every action there is a reaction”.
  • God’s actions demand a reaction on the part of mankind (Proposition).
  • From Job chps. 3-37 Job and his three friends have a lot to say about God & His dealings with man and the world in which he lives.
  • But in Job 38-41 the Lord Speaks.
    • God proceeds to inform Job on several topics, including: Creation, Animals, Nature.
  • Now that God has spoken Job must react.
  • And now that God has spoken, we also must react. I. REACT TO GOD’S POWER (v. 2)
    1. There is no limit to God’s power.
      1. He can create with the sound of His voice- Gen. 1.
      2. He can destroy in a moment of time- 2 Pet. 3:10.
      3. He can save completely- Heb. 7:25
        1. Mannasseh, King of Judah- 2 Chron. 33:12-13.
        2. Mary Magdelene
        3. Thief on the cross.
        4. Corinthians
        5. Mel Trotter, hopeless drunkard who went on to establish 50 rescue missions.
        6. Us.
    2. There is no stopping God’s power.
      1. Satan tried to stop it.
        1. Tempting Adam & Eve.
        2. Tempting Jesus in the wilderness.
        3. At the crucifixion.
      2. Man has tried to stop it.
        1. By not believing in it.
        2. By not submitting to it.
      3. Nations have tried to stop it.
        1. Babylon.
        2. Assyria.
        3. Rome.
        4. Soviet Union.
      4. The Resurrection proves that there is no stopping it.
        1. Christ defeated the first enemy-death.
        2. By conquering death Christ proved that nothing can stop Him.


  1. God’s knowledge of man.
    1. He knows all of our sins- Ps. 69:5; 1 Sam. 2:3.
    2. He knows all of our ways- Ps. 139:1-6.
    3. He knows all of our needs- Matt. 6:8
  2. God’s knowledge can not be known.
    1. It is beyond our comprehension- Job 42:3.
    2. It is beyond our imagination.
  3. God’s knowledge must be succumbed to.
    1. We must admit our ignorance.
    2. We must admit our need of God’s knowledge to survive.


  1. God’s greatness demands astonishment.
    1. Moses and the burning bush.
    2. The apostles at the transfiguration.
    3. Job
  2. God’s greatness demands repentance.
    1. Ezra repented in the face of God’s greatness- Ezra 9:6.
    2. Job repented in the face of God’s greatness- Job 42:6.
    3. Peter repented in the face of God’s greatness- Luke 22:61-62.
    4. Saul repented in the face of God’s greatness- Acts 9.
    5. When we come into the presence of God we are forced to despise ourselves because we realize how unholy we are when compared to His greatness.


  • Job didn’t have to react in the way that he did, but he did have to react.
  • God has acted in history, and He is acting in the present, and He will continue to act throughout eternity.
  • The question is not “will God act?” but “how do we react to God?”.

*If this outline has been of any help to you please drop me a note.

Barry L. Davis

P.O. Box 768

Quapaw, OK 74363