Fruits, Dairy, Eggs Cakes, Fruit 1 Servings


-Betty Homa-KDSN36B
2 1/4 c Flour
1 ts Baking soda
1 ts Baking powder
1/4 ts Salt
1/2 ts Ginger
1 ts Cinnamon
1/4 ts Nutmeg
1/2 c Sugar
1/4 c Unsweetened applesauce
1 c Sour milk or buttermilk
3 lg Egg whites
1/2 ts Vanilla
1/2 c Raisins
2 Apples,pared,peeled+chopped


Combine flour, baking powder and soda, and salt. set aside.
In another bowl, mix the applesauce, sugar and spices. Add milk, vanilla
and egg whites. Mix well. Stir in flour mixture just until combined. stir
in apples and raisins. pour into sprayed 7x11" pan and bake at 350 F for
25-30 minutes.
From Gemini's MASSIVE MealMaster collection at www.synapse.com/~gemini

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