Dairy Campanile 4 Servings


4 Williams pears.
2 Golden Delicious apples.
150 g Sugar.
4 Pinches cinnamon.
3 Yoghurts
20 Double cream, or creme
2 T Flaked almonds.


Peel the apples and pears, leaving them whole. Arrange them in an
ovenproof dish. Sprinkle 100 g of the sugar on top, add the cinnamon
and a cup of water. Bake in the oven (gas mark 4 / 350F / 180C) for  20
minutes.  2 Remove from the oven. Allow the fruit to cool completely
before  pouring off the liquid.  3 In a large bowl, mix together the
cream, yoghurts and the rest of  the sugar. Pour some of this mixture
into four dessert bowls, then  put a pear in the middle of each, with
four apple segments arranged  around it.  4 Pour the rest of the cream
mixture over the fruit and decorate with  the flaked almonds. Serve
cold.  In the Middle Ages, cinnamon was added to stews and stocks,
sweet  cream dishes and fricassees of poultry.  Converted by MC_Buster.
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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