Dairy 1 Servings


5 c Water
1 md Onion; thinly sliced
1 lg Carrot; quartered
4 Sprigs parsley
3 Sprigs thyme
1 sm Rib celery with leaves; quartered
1 lg Bay leaf
1/4 ts Whole black peppercorns
1/8 ts Cayenne pepper
2 Whole cloves
Salt to taste
3 c Milk


I have a new cookbook--A Seafood Celebration. It is a fabulous book that
really teaches you everything about cooking fish. It also contains lots of
great recipes including sauces, salsas, etc. Since the book was such a
bargain I feel I want to share some of the recipes with you. Today I am
going to send you two recipes for poaching fish. If you have any questions
regarding poaching fish, please e-mail me and I will try to find the answer
for you. Poaching fish is a wonderful and healthy way to prepare fish. Mary
In a 12-inch saute pan, bring all the ingredients except the milk to a boil
over medium heat. Lower the heat and simmer, covered, for 15 minutes. Add
the milk and simmer for 10 minutes more. Strain, pressing the vegetable and
herb solids against the strainer to extract as much liquid as possible.
This milk-based court boullion is best for poaching delicate-tasting
white-fleshed fish such as cod, haddock, and halibut. After using it,
reduce it by half and freeze it to use as a base for veloute or other
Posted to EAT-L Digest  by mary curtis <curtism@FUSE.NET> on Feb 19, 1998

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