Meats, Dairy Swiss Brunch, Ain dish, Spam, Pam1 1 servings


1 pk Asparagus spears -; (10 oz)
1 cn Spam luncheon meat – (7 oz); diced
1/4 c Swiss Cheese Sauce; (see below)
12 sl Soft white bread
2 tb Butter or margarine
1 tb Butter or margarine
1 tb All-purpose flour
1/4 ts Salt
1/8 ts Paprika
Nutmeg; to taste
Freshly-ground black pepper; to taste
1 c Milk
1 c Shredded Swiss cheese


Cook asparagus according to package directions; drain. Cut asparagus
crosswise in 1/2-inch pieces. Combine asparagus, Spam, and Swiss
Cheese Sauce.
Remove crusts from bread; flatten by rolling with a rolling pin.
Spread butter lightly on one side of each bread slice. Mound some
Spam mixture along one edge on unbuttered side of each bread slice;
roll up.
Place close together in baking dish, seam-side down. Bake in 425
degrees oven 15 minutes, or until rolls are lightly browned. Serve
with additional Swiss Cheese Sauce.
For Swiss Cheese Sauce: In small saucepan, melt butter; blend in
flour, salt, paprika, nutmeg, and pepper. Mix in milk; cook over
medium heat, stirring until mixture thickens and boils. Add cheese;
stir until melted.
This recipe yields 12 roll-ups.
Nice to know: You'll have about 1 3/4 cups of sauce left over.
Refrigerate and reheat for use another day.
Source: "Official Spam website at http://www.spam.com" S(Formatted for
MC5): "10-11-1999 by Joe Comiskey - jcomiskey@krypto.net" Yield: "12
Per serving: 910 Calories (kcal); 74g Total Fat; (72% calories from
fat); 41g Protein; 21g Carbohydrate; 230mg Cholesterol; 1299mg Sodium
Food Exchanges: 1/2 Grain(Starch); 4 1/2 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0
12    Fat; 0 Other Carbohydrates
Recipe by: n/a
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0n.

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