
Meats Meat 6 Servings


1/4 c Salad oil
2 lb Beef round steak; cut in 1-inch cubes
2 md Onions; sliced
1/4 c Flour
1 1/2 c Hot water
1 c Beer
1 Clove garlic; minced
1 Bay leaf
2 ts Salt
1/2 ts Sugar
1 1/2 ts Vinegar
1/8 ts Nutmeg
1 Sprig parsley
1/4 ts Oregano (up to)
8 2-inch bread squares


In large skillet heat 2 tablespoons oil; add beef, a few pieces at a time,
and brown quickly. Remove steak and add remaining oil and onions. Saute
until tender. Stir in remaining ingredients except bread squares and
mustard. Return meat to skillet and bring mixture to a boil. Pour mixture
into a 2-1/2 quart casserole. Cover and bake at 325 degrees for 2 hours or
until meat is tender. About 20 minutes before meat is done, remove from
oven and skim off fat. Spread bread generously with mustard and place on
top of casserole. Spoon a little gravy over bread. Increase heat to 350
degrees and return casserole to oven, uncovered.
From a collection of my mother's (Judy Hosey) recipe box which contained
lots of her favorite recipes, clippings, etc.  Downloaded from Glen's MM
Recipe Archive, http://www.erols.com/hosey.

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“Do not look to your hope, but to Christ, the source of your hope. #Charles Spurgeon”

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