God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
“Am I Addicted to Television?” With the aid of this list below, allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart! 1. You call someone to videotape TV shows that are on the same time as the ones you are watching and presently videotaping yourself. 2. You watch a program with the anticipation of seeing a sinful act. 3. You enjoy the sinful scenes on the show. 4. You eat your dinner in front of the TV. 5. You neglect your spouse or family for a TV show. 6. You look forward to a TV show more than you look forward to next week’s church service? 7. You miss Wednesday evening prayer meeting for TV. 8. You begin to role play the parts you see on TV on a serious basis. 9. Your conversation is replete with TV reviews and anecdotes. 10. TV replaces your Bible reading or devotion time. 11. Family Worship has been replaced by a TV program. 12. You know more about TV than Scripture. 13. No one is allowed to speak while the TV is on. 14. You begin to start empathizing with the characters the actors are portraying. 15. You rush home so you will not miss a program. 16. You watch TV late into the night consistently. 17. When company visits, the TV remains on. 18. You disturb others on the job by discussing a TV show. 19. You yell at the TV when a certain scene unfolds. 20. You become angry when “there ain’t nothing good on TV tonight.” 21. You let TV do your thinking for you. 22. The only book you read is TV guide. 23. You turn the TV on the moment you enter a room. 24. The TV is on when you are doing your chores. 25. You do not want people to visit when your programs are scheduled to come on. 26. When people visit, you wish they would leave so you could watch your programs. 27. You laugh at the very sin which sent Christ to the cross. 28. You have every premium cable channel like HBO, Cinemax, etc. 29. You constantly flip channels with your remote control. 30. You begin to adopt ideas and attitudes contrary to Scripture. 31. You find more pleasure watching TV than being with God’s people. 32. You go nowhere but have become a couch potato.
Ken Matto
Chipotle Chiles (Smoked Chiles)
Ripe; red jalapeno chiles
Charcoal briquettes
As needed; smoke chips, your choice, I use mesquite chunks cut into smaller pieces
As needed; sprigs of fresh cut rosemary (optional)
Start this as early in the morning as possible.
Put smoke chips in a container and cover with water. Mound about one half
the briquettes into the charcoal pan and light. Wash the chiles and cut a
slit lengthwise in each one from just below the shoulder to about a half
inch from the tip. Place the chiles in a single layer (slit side up) on a
surface that will fit in the smoker and won't let the chiles fall through.
I use a BBQ wok, a pan shaped kinda like a wok (but with a flatter bottom)
with holes drilled through meant for stir frying vegies on the BBQ. When
the briquettes are covered with gray ash, spread out into an even layer (if
using a BBQ, spread the briquettes to the side leaving a bare spot in the
center). Place some of the soaked smoke chips on the briquettes. Fill the
water pan with 2 to 3 inches of water (if using a BBQ, use an aluminum foil
pan that will fit in the bare spot in the center of the BBQ) and put in
place over (or in the center of) the briquettes. Put smoker or BBQ rack in
place, place the container of chiles on the rack over the pan of water, and
cover the smoker or BBQ. The idea is to keep a low-heat, smoldering, smokey
fire for several hours. Add briquettes, smoke chips, and the optional
sprigs of fresh rosemary as needed to keep generating heat and smoke. After
6 or 7 hours, the chiles have probably absorbed as much smoke as they're
going to. They should be a dark, brick-red color and somewhat wrinkled;
but, they won't be totally dehydrated to a point where they would keep at
room temperature. Remove them from the smoker and finish drying them in a
warm oven or a dehydrator. Use for making Chipotles en Adobo or wherever
chiles with medium heat and smoky flavor is desirable...such as barbeque
Note: while ripe jalapeno chiles are considered the traditional fresh chile
for smoking and drying to make chipotle chiles, other chiles can also be
smoked and dried. I've found that ripe Fresno chiles are generally more
available commercially that (should read "than"...gonna have to change
that) ripe jalapenos and make an acceptable substitute.
Posted to CHILE-HEADS DIGEST V4 #113 by Rich McCormack <macknet@cts.com> on
Sep 04, 1997
A Message from our Provider:
“Jesus Christ! The answer is on everyone’s lips”
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