
Grains, Eggs Gifts, Nuts 1 Servings


1 1/2 c Walnut; Halves
2 c Boiling Water
2 c Superfine Sugar
1 ts Salt
1 ts Nutmeg
2 tb Cinnamon
2 ts Ginger
1/2 ts Cloves
1 ts Allspice
2 ts Orange Peel
2 Whole Egg Whites
2 tb Water
1 c Pecan Halves
1/2 c Almonds; Blanched


1. Drop walnuts into boiling water and simmer 10 minutes. Drain.
2. Sift sugar, salt and spices together 2 or 3 times to blend well.
3. Beat egg whites until frothy; add the 2 tablespoons water and orange
peel and mix well.
4. Add walnuts, pecans, and almonds; stir to coat well with egg white
5. Drain in colander.
6. Make a shallow layer of the spiced sugar mixture on a cookie sheet.
7. Separate nuts and spread in a single layer over sugar.
8. Bake in 200 degree oven 2 1/2 to 3 hours.
9. Be sure the oven is not over 200 degrees.
10. Remove from oven and while warm break into small pieces, allow 2 to 3
nuts to each piece.
Yield 4 cups.
Recipe by: diane@keyway.net
Posted to recipelu-digest Volume 01 Number 197 by "Diane Geary"
<diane@keyway.net> on Nov 4, 1997

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