God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
I have tried to say with as much clarity as possible, and often, that the assurance a (child) has that he or she is actually a Christian does not have to do with praying a prescribed prayer, being affirmed by a Christian leader, walking an aisle, signing a card or raising a hand, but whether that person has life from God… What are these signs of life?
1. There is the sign of repenting and believing itself. The dead boy or girl now trusts Christ as his or her only hope for heaven. There is no mixture of trust in self or works or religion, but only in Christ and what He has done and will do.
2. There is a new valuing of the Scriptures. I cannot say this clearly enough. If I am to know you, I will know you principally by your words as you express yourself and communicate your thoughts. God’s Word is His principal communication of Himself. But it is more than just the words themselves that is important in this change. It is the Spirit working in the words that gives understanding and that “knowing” of Christ. Christ said, “It is written in the Prophets, ‘And they will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me” (John 6:45). This is granted – and not to all (Matthew 13:11).
3. There is obedience from the heart. All kids may be taught to obey like Pavlov’s dogs. If there is enough discipline and incentive, any child can straighten up. And, it is right for parents to expect this obedience even from unconverted children. Yet, when a child is made alive there is a new sensitivity to sin and a new and higher motivation and inner compulsion to obey. You will see obedience from the heart as if the child were newly constituted. In fact, he is. I am not saying that he will be perfect, any more than you are. But something has taken place on the inside that is unmistakable.
Jim Elliff
Couscous W/tomato Ala Grec
Vegetables, Eggs
Garden veggie burgers
Tomatoes (I use Contadina w/spices)
Ff parmesan if desired
Couscous (dry)
From: "diana dalbotten" <dalbo002@maroon.tc.umn.edu>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 96 10:10:05 -0500
In small nonstick pan, brown veggie burgers (a quick spray of Pam gets them
going.) In another, larger nonstick pan saute onion & mushrooms in a
little of the tomato juice from the can of tomatoes. Meanwhile, chop
tomatoes to desired size (or puree if you have a really picky family). When
onion is translucent and mushrooms cooked, pour tomatoes over. Add 1 T
basil, 1 t oregano, 1/4 t chili powder, 1/2 t cinnamon, 1/4 t mint, 1/4 t
rosemary powder (or whatever combination you have, but this is delicious).
Simmer. In the meantime, pour 2 c boiling water over couscous, cover and
let steam (not over heat). Or prepare couscous in whatever way you desire.
When couscous is 5 minutes away from completion, put garden veggie burgers
into tomato mixture spooning some over the top. Sprinkle w/parmesan and let
simmer 5 minutes. Serve over couscous. Serves 2.
From the Fatfree Vegetarian recipe list. Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe
Archive, http://www.erols.com/hosey.
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