Grains 1 Servings


2 c ORGANIC wheat sprouted
1/2 lb Dates (or more)
1 c Rasins
1/4 ts Cloves
1/4 ts Cinnamon
1 tb Chopped filberts (hazlenuts) OPTIONAL


We became addicted to Manna Bread years ago when our local big groccery,
Woodwards, carried it. Unfortunately Woodwards died and before I found it
at health food stores improvised this recipe. I sent this recipe in with a
lot of other recipes in a large file. Never saw them so I guess they were
too long for the list (At the time I was unaware of the limit) Anyway here
it is again
I have not put down the amount of flour because id varies with the moisture
in the sprouts. USE ORGANIC WHEAT much of our wheat is now treated with the
herbicide Roundup to "ripen it quickly". This kills most of the seeds and
they will not sprout. Usually I put 4 cups of wheat in a plastic ice cream
pale which has had holes punched in the lid. A large jar would work as
well. I soak the wheat for a few minutes then inverte the container to
drain most of the water. Repeat this several times as necessary. When the
sprouts are 1/2 to 3/4 the length of the grains of wheat I use them. I
found that with the wheat I was using and in a warm house, I could start
the process before supper, repeat the soaking before going to bed then
again the next morning. The wheat was usually ready that evening. If it
gets ready too soon, put it in the fridg until you can use it.
Place the sprouted wheat in a food processer and whirr it until it is
ground up and pasty. Add flour until it is doughy. Add dates, rasins and
spices and process a little more to mix. Form into small loaves or one
larger loaf. Sprinkle with the nuts if you are using them. (I like it fine
without the nuts but hubby insists on them)
Bake for a long time in a slow oven (300 degrees for about 2.5 hours) Here
are some variations to give you some idea what you can do with it. Use your
imagination and change this thing to suite your own tastes
VARIATIONS: Apple-Orange. Use 1 cup dried apples plus 1 Tablespoon
concentrated orange juice, 1 1/2 Cup rasins and 1 teaspoon cinnamon.
Multigrain: Sprout multigrain mix. Use with above recipe inplace of wheat
sprouts or simply make a simple bread by adding 1 teaspoon salt and enough
flour to make the dough.
Herbed Multigrain: Add fresh reosmary (3-6 tablespoons) to plain multigrain
or wheat sprouted bread
Basil dried tomato. Make dough from wheat or multigrain add 1 t salt and
dried tomatoes and basil.
Posted to fatfree digest V97 #057 by Barb Beck <barb@rr.ualberta.ca> on Apr
14, 1997

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