Vegetables, Meats, Dairy 1 Servings


1 tb Vegetable oil
1 lb Boneless chicken breast; cut up
1 cn Cream of mushroom soup
2 1/4 c Water
1/2 ts Dried basil leaves crushed
2 c Frozen vegetables combination;
Broccoli; cauliflower, carrots.
2 c Uncooked corkscrew pasta
Grated parmasean cheese


Grocery ad in paper
In medium skillet heat oil. Add chicken and cook until browned, stirred
often. Set chicken aside. Add soup, water, basil, and vegetables. Heat to a
boil. Add uncooked pasta. Reduce heat, cook 10 minutes, stirring often.
Return to chicken pan. Cook 5 min. or until pasta is done. serve with
Posted to Bakery-Shoppe Digest by "m.tibbs" <m.tibbs@MCI2000.com> on Apr
15, 1998

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“Gratitude is an offering precious in the sight of God, and it is one that the poorest of us can make and be not poorer but richer for having made it. #A.W. Tozer”

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