French Rick stein, New 4 servings


1 3/4 kg Cleaned mussels
Plenty of crusty French bread
Chilled white wine to serve
A large plank of wood; pine if possible,
; about 1 metre/3ft
; square
4 lg Nails and a hammer
1 lg Sack full of hay; straw or dry
Pine needles
A box of matches
A bucket of sea water


1 Soak the wood in water for about an hour. Rest it on some stones if
necessary so that it lies flat.
2 Knock the tips of the nails into the centre of the wood in a 2.5cm/1"
square and rest one mussel between each pair of nails, convex side towards
you and hinge pointing upwards.
3 Rest another four mussels in between these ones and work your way
outwards to create a massive rosette, using the larger mussels first and
the smaller ones until last. This will require a little patience but it
does work.
4 Carefully cover the mussels completely with a layer of the hay, straw or
dry pine needles about 13cm/5" thick.
5 Set light to this here and there, and leave it to burn until the flames
die down - you want it to burn quite hot for about five minutes.
6 Fan away the ashes, throw a bucket of sea water over them to get rid of
the last of it and discard any mussels that haven't opened. Transfer to
plates and eat with lots of French bread and plenty of chilled Muscadet.
Converted by MC_Buster.
Recipe by: Rick Stein
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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