Grains, Dairy Kids 6 Servings


2 c Smooth Peanut Butter
2 c Rolled Oats
2 c Dried Milk
2/3 c Honey
Rice Krispies
Coconut Sprinkles
Chocolate Chips
Red Hots
Tiny Olives
Cocktail Onions


Get your kids to mix all the ingredients until thoroughly combined. Have
them wash their hands while you cover the kitchen with wax paper to make a
work surface for them. Give them the bowl of playdough and leave them to
it. Store in an airtight container.
Beat This! by Ann Hodgman ISBN 1-881527-21-2 pg 153
Posted to EAT-L Digest 22 Jan 97 by Bill Spalding <billspa@ICANECT.NET> on
Jan 23, 1997.

A Message from our Provider:

“How impersonal God seems is a measure of the distance you have put between yourself and God”

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