Eggs La times, Latimes1 4 servings


4 Hard-boiled eggs; chopped
1/4 c Pitted chopped Picholine olives
4 ts Olive oil
1/8 ts Minced orange zest
Juice of 1 lemon
2 sm Artichokes
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1 Baguette
1/2 bn Arugula


Combine chopped eggs and olives in bowl and set aside. Whisk together olive
oil, orange zest and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Add remaining lemon juice to 1
cup water. Tear off small leaves attached to stem of 1 artichoke. Trim stem
about 1/2 inch from base. Cut artichoke crosswise about 1 inch above base.
Trim away dark green part to reveal heart. Scrape out choke with small
spoon. Shave heart into very thin, roughly shaped pieces with vegetable
peeler or very sharp paring knife. Place shavings in lemon water to retard
discoloration. Repeat with second artichoke. Drain shavings well and add to
egg mixture. Add olive oil and mix well. Season to taste with salt and
pepper. Cut baguette into 4 pieces and cut each piece in half lengthwise.
Lightly toast halves if desired. Place few arugula leaves on cut side of 4
baguette halves. Top with egg salad and remaining baguette halves to make
sandwiches. Yields 4 servings.
Each serving: 316 calories; 557 mg sodium; 214 mg cholesterol; 12 grams
fat; 39 grams carbohydrates; 13 grams protein; 0.76 gram fiber
Recipe Source: Los Angeles Times - 03-31-1999
Formatted for Mastercook by Lynn Thomas - Lynn_Thomas@prodigy.net
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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