6 servings


1/4 c Warm water; (110 degrees)
1 tb Honey
1/2 tb Dry baker's yeast; such as Fleichman's
5 c All-purpose flour; plus more
1 tb Coarse salt
1 1/2 c Cool water; (70 degrees)
2 tb Oil; plus more
Semolina flour


Pour 1/4 cup warm water (110 degrees) into a small bowl. Add honey, and
sprinkle in yeast. Using a fork, stir the mixture until the yeast has
dissolved. Let stand until creamy and foamy, about 5 minutes. In a large
bowl, whisk together flour and salt. Make a well in the center. Add the
yeast mixture, 1 1/2 cups cool water (70 degrees), and olive oil to the
well. Stir with a wooden spoon, incorporating the flour to form a very
rough ball. Turn the dough out onto a well-floured board. Knead, adding
more flour as necessary, to create a moist, supple, but sticky dough, about
6 to 8 minutes. The dough should be smooth, slightly elastic, and bounce
back when poked with your finger. Place dough in a lightly oiled bowl and
turn to coat. Cover with lightly oiled plastic wrap. Place in a cool place
or refrigerator. Let stand overnight, until the dough has doubled in size.
Two hours before use, punch down the dough. Divide into six 6-ounce pieces.
Take each piece of dough and fold edges underneath. Knead on an unfloured
surface to form a ball. Cover with a lightly oiled piece of plastic wrap to
prevent a skin from forming. Set aside. Heat oven to 500 degrees, with a
16-inch diameter pizza stone placed on the lowest shelf, for at least 30
minutes. Lightly dust each dough ball with flour. Flatten each ball into a
disk with the heel of your hand. With your fingers, make indentations about
1/2 inch inside the edge around the rim. (This will form the outer crust.)
Pick up the dough, and drape it over your fists; gently stretch the dough,
using your knuckles to pull it outward. Rotate one 1/4-turn with each pull,
until the dough is a circle approximately
10    inches in diameter. Sprinkle semolina flour on a pizza peel.
Place the dough on the peel. Brush the dough with olive oil and top with
desired toppings. Lift the pizza peel and, using a slight jerking motion,
slide the pizza back and forth to loosen it. Tilt the peel and place the
front tip of the peel on top of the heated stone. Slide the pizza off the
peel, onto the stone. Bake until crust is golden brown, about 8 to 10
minutes. Remove from the oven and brush crust edges with olive oil. Return
pizza to the oven and cook another 1 to 2 minutes, until crisp. Using the
pizza peel, remove the pizza from the oven. Transfer to a cutting board.
Using a pizza wheel or large sharp knife, slice the pizza into 8 equal
pieces. Serve immediately. Repeat using remaining dough. Makes dough for
six 9-inch pizzas.
Source: "Martha Stewart Living - (www.marthastewart.com)" S(Formatted for
MC5): "by Lynn Thomas - Lynn_Thomas@prodigy.net"
Per serving: 430 Calories (kcal); 6g Total Fat; (11% calories from fat);
11g Protein; 82g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 944mg Sodium Food
Exchanges: 5 Grain(Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 0 Vegetable; 0 Fruit; 1 Fat; 0
Other Carbohydrates
Recipe by: Recipe from Evan Shively
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0n.

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