Dairy, Eggs Dessert 6 Servings


1 1/4 c Sugar
1 c Boiling water
1 qt Scalded milk
3 tb Sugar
1 ts Vanilla
6 Eggs
1/4 ts Salt


Syrup:  In a heavy skillet melt & brown sugar, stirring constantly.
Gradually add water & continue to stir until mixture thickens into a light
syrup. Butter custard cups & pour about 2 tablespoons syrup into each cup.
Custard:  Add sugar & salt to milk, stirring constantly, gradually add hot
milk mixture to beaten eggs. Stir in vanilla & pour mixture into custard
cups. Place cups in a large baking pan containing hot water; bake at 350
for an hour or until custard does not adhere to a knife when inserted in
the center. When cool, loosed custard from dish with a knife, invert cup &
turn onto serving dishes.
From the <The Bliss of Cooking Returns>, Fort Bliss Officers Wives Club,
Ft. Bliss, TX.  Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe Archive,

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