Grains, Meats Beans, Crockpot 1 Servings


1 1/2 lb Pinto beans
Salt pork, cubed
1/2 t Comino
1 t Black pepper
1 t Garlic powder
1 Tomato sauce
1 Cilantro, diced
Salt, to taste
1 Clove garlic
2 Ripe tomatoes
1 White onion


Soak beans in water at least 6 hours. Grind the garlic with comino and
pepper if you prefer. Before cooking, add salt pork, ground spices and
garlic clove to the beans. Cook beans in slow cooker at high until
tender. Be sure to check that they are always full with water. Once
tender, lower heat to medium low. Dice tomatoes and onion. Add to
beans along with cilantro. Let cook for 10 minutes and add tomato
sauce and salt. Posted to recipelu-digest Volume 01 Number 412 by
James and Susan Kirkland <kirkland@gj.net> on Dec 28, 1997

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