Candies 6 Servings


1/2 pt Strained fresh raspberry juice
1 lb Loaf sugar
1 oz Powdered gelatin
Colouring if necessary
2 tb Cold water
10 Drops lemon juice


Raspberry Jellies Prepare raspberry juice by crushing the fruit, warming it
in a bowl over hot water until the juice flows freely and then straining
through muslin. Soak the gelatine in the cold water. Dissolve the sugar in
the juice and boil up to 240 F or the soft ball stage. Add the lemon juice
and gelatine. Re-heat to 240 F and pour into a tin previously rinsed in
cold water.  If the colour is pale add a few drops of cochineal before the
end, but fresh fruit should give a brilliant colour. When set, loosen the
sides with a hot knife and stand the pan on a cloth wrung out of boiling
water.  Turn the jelly out on to a board. Cut into cubes and roll in very
fine confectioner's sugar. Stand the sweets in a warm place overnight so
that the sugar crystals adhers. Blackcurrant Jujubes 1/2 pint pure strained
blackcurrant syrup 1 oz granulated sugar 1 tablespoon pure glycerine 6
tablespoon glucose 1 oz powdered gelatine Soften the gelatine in a little
water. Dissolve the sugar and glucose in the juice - very slowly, over
gentle heat.  Add glycerine and bring to boiling point. Remove from heat,
add gelatine and stir until dissolved. Re-heat but do not boil. Rinse a 6"
sandwich tin with cold water; pour the jelly mixture in. Proceed as in
second paragraph of directions for Raspberry Jellies. This is a very good
sweet for irritated throats. Fruit Jellies All juicy fruits in season make
delicious sweets.  Proceed as for Raspberry Jellies, using colouring when
necessary to enhance the natural tint. Redcurrants, gooseberries ~ both
green and red - blackberries, hips and pineapples are just a few to be
tried.  Fresh pineapple must be well cooked if used with gelatine, as it
contains a natural digestant which dissolves gelatine. Two methods of
Crystallising: CRYSTALLISING CANDIED FRUIT (This is the chapter that the
author said to use for crystallising the jellies. I assume where it says
fruit you would substitute jellies.) A sparkling finish is much sought
after in this class of sugar work, so here are two recipes-one very simple,
the other correct and of lasting quality. SIMPLE CRYSTALLISING Dip each
fruit very quickly into boiling water-just in and out-drain it on
blotting-paper or butter muslin. Have ready sufficient sieved granulated
sugar spread upon a sheet of paper to accommodate the fruits. Roll them
gently about in the sugar until completely coated. Leave in a dry, warm
situation for some hours to reduce any moisture. They will have a
satisfying appearance, glistening in the light. ADVANCED CRYSTALLISING A
crystallising tray is much to be desired for this purpose, but to
improvise, a baking tray, deep and able to accommodate two wire cake racks
on top of each other, will serve very well. Carefully measure how much
liquid will be required to cover the fruits when they rest in the tin.
Place one rack in the baking tin, arrange the fruits upon it so that they
do not touch each other or the side of the pan. Place the second rack feet
upwards upon the fruits, holding them gently in place. Cut a piece of
greaseproof paper the exact size of the interior of your saucepan. Fold it
across and across, then nip the centre point out leaving a hole about 1" in
diameter. Make a syrup by dissolving 2 pounds of granulated sugar in 1 pint
(20 ounces) of water. This is your basic recipe- increase it
proportionately if the amount will not cover the fruits in the tin. They
must be entirely immersed. Bring the syrup to a boil and strain it through
muslin wrung out in hot water. Return the syrup to the saucepan, bringing
it up rapidly to 220-225 F, remembering that the higher temperature gives
larger crystals, and is good for imposing fruits, while 220 F gives finer
crystals suitable for cherries, grapes and nuts. Put the pan where it won't
be jarred in the slighest degree, covering the actural syrup with the
prepared circle of paper. Steam will escape through the central hole.
Agitation of the pan will result in a "grainy" syrup, so tread warily. When
slightly cool-about 15 minutes-tilt the saucepan so that the syrup flows
gently around and over the fruits held down by the wire cake rack. Cover
with a cloth and leave for at least 12 hours. Then, if you have a
crystallising tray, draw off the liquid. Otherwise, gently lift your tray
of fruits from the baking tin.  In eigher case place the fruits in a warm
cupboard to thoroughly dry off once more. They should be covered with
shimmering crystals of a size to suit your taste, according to the original
temperature of the syrup. You will be left with a quantity of syrup which
cannot be used again for crystallising. It can, however be used to make
delicious toffee or to sweeten stewed fruits. Used with apples in lieu of
sugar, it gives a unique flavour to an Apple Cake.
From Gemini's MASSIVE MealMaster collection at www.synapse.com/~gemini

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