Eggs, Dairy Greek Desserts, Greek 50 Tarts


6 Eggs
1 c Sugar
1 qt Milk
6 T Cornstarch
1/3 c Water
1/4 c Butter, or margarine
1 t Vanilla extract
16 oz Filo
12 lb Butter, unsalted melted
Sugar, confectioners


Beat eggs in saucepan; add sugar and beat thoroughly; slowly add  milk.
cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally.  Dissolve cornstarch in
water; slowly add to milk mixture before it  comes to a boil.  Cook
until mixture thickens and comes to a hard  boil. Remove from heat; add
1/4 cup butter and vanilla.  Cut pastry sheets in to thirds or into
9x5-inch pieces.  Brush pastry  with hot melted butter.  Place about 1
tablespoon custard filling at  bottom left corner of strip and fold the
right bottom corner over it  into a triangle. Continue folding back nad
forth into a triangle and~  brushing with butter to end of strip.
Place triangles, cut side down, on greased cookie sheet.  Brush tops
with melted butter and bake at 375 F. for 35 minutes.  Dust with
powdered sugar while warm.  Note: Custard can be refrigerated a few
days before making tarts.  These tarts can be frozen for 6 months.
Bake frozen at 350 F. for 10  minutes; sprinkle with powdered sugar
while warm.  SOURCE: Southern Living Magazine, sometime in the early
1970s per  Nancy Coleman Fidonet COOKING echo ~- Mimi Hiller
(mimi@cyber-kitchen.com) Mimi's Cyber Kitchen has a new home!
http://www.cyber-kitchen.com/ is rated 4 stars in NetGuide (4/96).
Over 2,000 links, my personal collection of recipes, and a new
format...the most comprehensive food-related site on the www!  ~-- *
Origin: Usenet:Mimi's Cyber Kitchen (1:102/125.99)  Posted to MC-Recipe
Digest V1 #538 by Bobbi Zee <zpegasus@tsrcom.com>  on Mar 23, 1997

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