God: "I looked for someone to take a stand for me, and stand in the gap" (Ezekiel 22:30)
And we know how necessary it was that Christ should come forth as God and man; for salvation cannot be expected in any other way than from God; and Christ must confer salvation on us, and not only be its minister. And then, as He is God, He justifies us, regenerates us, illuminates us into a hope of eternal life; to conquer sin and death is doubtless what only can be effected by divine power. Hence Christ, except He was God, could not have performed what we had to expect from Him. It was also necessary that He should become man, that he might unite us to Himself; for we have no access to God, except we become the friends of Christ; and how can we be so made, except by a brotherly union?
John Calvin
Apples, Citrus, Snacks
Apples, unpeeled, diced, 1/2"
Oranges, unpeeled, diced, 1/2"
Lemons, unpeeled, diced, 1/2"
Dill pickles, diced, 1/2"
Saladitos (salted dried plums), whole
Place all ingredients in a bowl or jar. Proportions of ingredients are
approximately equal amounts; more or less will not hurt. Let sit for a day,
stirring occasionally until the juices are mixed and plums are rehydrated
and soft. Makes a sweet, salty,sour, goopy mess that is usually served in a
baggy for kids to eat with their fingers.
NOTES : This looks disgusting, but kids seem to like it.BTW "saladitos"
are sold in Hispanic markets.
Recipe by: ehgf@primenet.com (Ellen) Posted to MM-Recipes Digest V4 #132 by
Simps <c.simpson@worldnet.att.net> on May 12, 1997
A Message from our Provider:
“If the church wants a better pastor, it only needs to pray for the one it has.”
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