Grains Beverage 1 Servings


1 c Blanched almonds
12 Cardamon seeds; peeled
12 Cloves whole
6 Sticks (2.5-inch) cinnamon
6 Candied oranges -or-
1 Orange; peel of
1 Bottle (26-oz) burgundy or claret
1 c Dark raisins
1 Bottle (26-oz) brandy or aquavit
1 c Cube sugar; crush


Put cardamon seeds, cinnamon, cloves and orange parts in nylon bag and tie
top. In large saucepan put bag, half bottle of the wine, and the raisins.
Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Add remaining wine and the almond; heat
through. In another saucepan warm about 1/3 of the brandy (or aquavit);
pour in sugar and light with match to flame. When sugar has melted, pour in
the remainder of brandy. If necessary extinguish flame with cover lid. Add
sugar mixture to wine mixture. Pour in cups with raisins and almonds in
each serving.
From rec.food.cooking archives.  Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe Archive,

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