Sainsbury2 50 Servings


10 g Fresh yeast or 1 teaspoon
dried yeast 1/4oz
12 Warm water, about 4floz
300 g Plain or wholemeal flour
3 t Salt
2 T Olive oil
1/2 T Malt extract


If using dried yeast, leave it to dissolve in the warm water for  about
10 minutes. Put the fresh yeast, if using, flour, salt, olive  oil and
malt extract in a large mixing bowl. Gradually add the yeast  water or
warm water, stirring it in with a fork or spoon until the  mixture
comes together in a fairly sticky dough. Knead the dough  until smooth,
then break off walnut-sized pieces (each weighing  15-20g, 1/2-3/4 oz)
and roll them quickly into fat sausage shapes,  using a little flour.
Put the rolls, one at a time, on an unfloured  surface and roll them
out finely with the tips of your fingers until  they are about 24cm
(91/2 inches) long and 5mm (1/4 inch) thick. (It  is important not to
use any extra flour while doing this or they will  slip rather than
roll.) Put them on lightly oiled baking sheets.  Alternatively, put the
dough in a piping bag fitted with a plain 5 mm  (1/4 inch) nozzle and
pipe them onto the oiled baking sheets. Cover  with a clean cloth and
leave to rise in a warm place for at least 10  minutes. Preheat the
oven to Gas Mark 6/200 øC/400 øF. Bake the  grissini in the oven for
about 10 minutes or until they are golden,  then take them out of the
oven and turn them over. Return them to the  oven for a further 10-15
minutes or until hard and crisp.  Converted by MC_Buster.  NOTES :
These bread-sticks are a speciality of Turin and make an ideal
accompaniment to starters and salads, as well as being wonderful
crunchy ''nibbles'' on their own. Try making them in different
flavours, using plain or wholemeal flour and rolling them in sesame  or
poppy seeds before leaving them to rise.  Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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