Grains, Dairy Garden1 1 servings


1 c Whole hazelnuts; roasted, then
Finely chopped
7 oz Bittersweet chocolate
3 tb Water
1 c Sugar
2 ts Vanilla
8 oz Cream cheese; softened
1/3 c Hazelnut liqueur or extract
1 ts Heavy whipping cream
1/4 c Sugar
1 ts Vanilla


Roast whole hazelnuts in the oven to bring out the flavor. Remove the skins
and chop. Set aside. Melt chocolate in microwave or over double boiler.
Make a simple syrup by stirring together 3 tablespoons water, 1 cup sugar,
and 2 teaspoons vanilla in a heavy saucepan. Add to chocolate and bring
just to a boil over low heat. Remove saucepan from heat and fold in 8
ounces cream cheese, 1/3 cup hazelnut liqueur or extract, and 1 cup
hazelnuts. Set aside to cool. Whip 1 pint heavy whipping cream, 1/4 cup
sugar, and 1 teaspoon vanilla until stiff. Fold the cooled chocolate
mixture and all but a few tablespoons of the whipped cream mixture gently
together, being careful not to over-mix. Pour into individual serving cups.
Garnish with remaining whipped cream and coarsely chopped hazelnuts.
Recipe Source: Home & Garden TV -- All In Good Taste
Formatted for MasterCook by Nancy Berry - cwbj78a@prodigy.com
Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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