Grains Chinese Beverage 1 Servings


Soy beans


From: Jaye Johnson <jayej@iinet.net.au>
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 1996 14:55:30 +0800
From a 1972 Chinese Vegetarian Cookbook by Gary Lee
Wash and soak soy beans overnight. Cold water in summer and warm water in
winter. You may need to soak longer. To test, (and the right consistency is
important), squeeze a bean between your fingers and when the two halves are
separared the central part should show a little dent.
Fill a blender with the beans and add water. Blend a short while until the
beans are broken down into sand size particles.
Filter through cheesecloth.
Boil the milky solution 5 minutes and it is ready to serve.
It has a strong taste and a little sugar (or sugar substitute) may help.
Oil is also added in commercial blends - but not necessary.
With the leftover bean residue - add to your next soup.
The amount of beans is up to you - start with a couple of cups.  Add a
couple of cups of water - you can always add more later.
fatfree digest V96 #194
From the Fatfree Vegetarian recipe list.  Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe
Archive, http://www.erols.com/hosey.

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