Eggs, Dairy Dessert 12 Servings


1/4 c Sifted enriched flour
3 T Cocoa
1/4 t Salt
5 Eggs, separated
1 t Vanilla
1/2 t Cream of tartar
1 c Sugar
Confectioners' sugar
1 qt Pink peppermint ice cream
1 6-oz semisweet chocolate
1 6-oz evaporated milk


From: jimh@era.com (Jim Hitchcock)  Date: Thu, 15 Jun 1995 14:15:45 GMT
By BH&G Dessert Cook Book (1960), from Beth Hitchcock  Sift 1/2 cup
sugar with flour, cocoa, and salt;  fold into yolks till  blended; add
vanilla. Beat egg whites and cream of tartar till stiff  but not dry.
Gradually beat in 1/2 cup sugar. Carefully fold yolk  mixture into
whites.  Line bottom and sides of 151/2 x 101/2 x 1-inch  pan with
waxed paper; grease paper lightly. Spread batter evenly in  pan. Bake
in slow oven (325=9A) about 25 minutes. Cool 5 minutes;  turn onto
towel sprinkled with sifted confectioners' sugar. Peel off  paper. Cool
to lukewarm. Trim side crusts. Roll cake with towel.  Cool. Unroll;
spread with filling or whipped cream. Roll again.  Ice-cream Roll:
Mix, bake, and cool Chocolate Roll-up.  Stir 1 qt  pink peppermint ice
cream just to soften; (I use vanilla ice cream)  gently spread on cake.
Roll up. Wrap in waxed paper; freeze. Remove  waxed paper, spread with
Chocolate Glaze; dot with walnuts  (optional). Serve at once or freeze
till serving time. Yield: 12  servings.  Chocolate Glaze: In small
saucepan combine semisweet chocolate pieces  and evaporated milk.  Cook
and stir over low heat till blended and  mixture comes to a boil. Lower
heat; cook gently and stir 3 to 5  minutes till thick. Cool, stirring
rec.food.cooking archives.  Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe  Archive,

A Message from our Provider:

“Many people give thanks to God when He gives. Job gave thanks when He took.”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 178
Calories From Fat: 40
Total Fat: 4.5g
Cholesterol: 86.4mg
Sodium: 114.4mg
Potassium: 167.1mg
Carbohydrates: 29.9g
Fiber: <1g
Sugar: 24.1g
Protein: 5.2g

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