Fruits American Cakes, Candies 4 Servings




*Colorings*.  --For *Blue* rub a piece of indigo with a little water and
add by drops to the mixture to be colored until the desired shade is
reached. For *Brown* use grated chocolate, or for a very light brown,
*Caramel*, which is prepared for immediate use by putting cup granulated
sugar in *iron* skillet or frying-pan set over fire, and stirring,
constantly until a dark brown color and as thick as molasses. When properly
done a cup sugar will make five tablespoons coloring. When preparing for
bottling, boil a longer time, then add a half pint water and boil again,
until a little cooled in saucer is found thick as molases or honey. If too
thick, or if it candies, add a little more water and boil again. Bottle,
and if kept corked it will never spoil. For *Green* use either the Parsley
or Spinach Coloring, given on page 180. For *Pink* use strawberry, currant
or cranberry juice or jelly. If a bright *Red* is desired, Mix one drachm
each pulverized alum and cream tartar, four drachms powdered cochineal, two
ounces loaf sugar and saltspoon soda; or sameproportions in level
tablespoons are two-thirds tablespoon pulverized alum, half tablespoon
cream tartar, two and a half of powdered cochineal, four of pounded oaf
sugar and the saltspoon soda; boil ten minutes in half pint pure soft water
and when cool bottle and cook for use. For *Yellow*, use the juice of a
carrot or the grated peel of an orange or lemon, moistened withthe juice or
a little water, and squeezed through a cloth. When a deeper color is wanted
boil a little American saffron with a little water till a bright yellow,
strain and cool, and use enough to give desired shade; some use a mixture
ofan ounce turmeric with four of deodorized alcohol shaking till dissolved
and then straining and bottling. No objection can be made to the use of any
of the above, save perhaps to the blue, which is very seldom used, and only
for Ornamental Icing, The others are all fruit or vegetable preparations,
and their use adds greatly to the handsome appearance of ices and
ice-creams, icing jellies, cakes, creams and pudding and other sauces. To
guard against getting in too much coloring, use by putting in a very little
at first, mixing well, then add a very little more until desired shade is
Posted on GEnie by C.  SVITEK [cathy], Nov 29, 1992 MM by Sylvia Steiger,
GEnie THE.  STEIGERS, CI$ 71511, 2253, GT Cookbook echo moderator, net/node
Recipe By     :
From Gemini's MASSIVE MealMaster collection at www.synapse.com/~gemini

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