Cakes 1 Servings


1/2 c up sugar 1 heaping tablespoon flour Whisk to mix.


is is my   y nephew's grandmother's  :          -(Edna Stave) recipe.
It has  :          -been in their mily for r years. As you see; it has
:          -been updated by the use of  :          -a microwave. e oven
t temperature is correct. It  :          -is a very dense cake.
Preheat oven to 275 degrees. Use a 10" spring form pan. Grease pan,
sprinkle with flour. Leave quite a bit of flour in the pan.  In the
microwave: melt 1/2    lb. butter 8 squares unsweetened  (bitter)
chocolate 2 cups hot tap water Whisk to mix well.  Cake Ingredients  4
cups sifted flour 3 teaspoons baking soda 4 cups sugar 1 cup sour
cream 4 beaten eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla 4 teaspoons very strong  coffee
healthy pinch chili powder  Blend eggs and sugar. Add coffee and sour
cream. Blend. Add vanilla.  Add the dry ingredients.  Reheat the
chocolate mix and add to above ingredients. It must be  pretty hot when
added.  Pour into pan. Put pan on a baking sheet as it may overflow.
Cook at  275 for two (2) hours. Anything that spills is your treat to
eat.  You can cut this recipe in half and bake in a 10 x 14 pan. If you
use  this method, bake at 350 for 35 minutes.  Frosting NOTE: ***Triple
this recipe for the cake in the spring form  pan.  Add: 1 tablespoon
butter 1 teaspoon vanilla pinch chili powder 1  teaspoon strong coffee
2 squares bitter chocolate 1 cup milk  Put all ingredients in bowl and
microwave for 6 minutes or more.  Remove and whisk. Return to microwave
for 4 minutes. Remove and whisk  again. Repeat until the mixture
resembles chocolate pudding. Pour on  cake while hot.  I would imagine
you could cook this frosting on the stove top or in a  double boiler.
We are used to "nuking" it.  Grace Adams
************************************************** #2  Subject: My
webpage and rice pilaf recipe From: CathCooks@aol.com  Date: Sat, 6 Sep
1997 17:39:34 -0400 (EDT)  Hi! I would like to promote my home page
"CATHRYN COOKS FOR YOU" and  to announce that I have added classified
ads through the 'E-pages'  Classifieds. The ads are free to individuals
and are low-cost to  businesses. The category is "Healthy Living" and
include recipe  exchanging. My URL is
http://members.aol.com/cathcooks/index.html  Here is my own recipe for
the best ever rice pilaf. This recipe will  make about 3 qts. of cooked
rice. This is in keeping with my practice  of "once-a-month cooking".
Of course you can reduce the it to fit  your own menu.  Posted to
KitMailbox Digest  by GAdams1350@aol.com on Sep 5, 1997

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