1 Servings


5 lb Tomatoes
1 c Diced peppers (any combination of long green (even canned), bell, and hot, such as Jalapeno
2 Cloves garlic, minced
1 Onion, chopped
1 ts Sugar
1/2 c Bottled lemon juice


Wash 6 pint jars and lids. Keep warm in hot water or in 200 degree oven.
(Sterilize if you choose not to use hot water bath, but which is
recommended for safety)
Wash or sterilize ladle, funnel and spoon.
Peel, seed, and chop tomatoes. (I use a food processor.) Drain most of
liquid. Combine all ingredients and simmer 20 minutes.
In each jar, put 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. salt, depending on your taste. Ladle in
hot salsa, using a slotted spoon if it is too juicy. (Save juice for
another recipe.)
Important: Wipe top of jar with dish towel or paper towel. One little
tomato seed can kee it from sealing! Place lids and bands on jars. Place in
boiling water bath canner for 15 minutes.
Heat scale: Mild to medium Posted to CHILE-HEADS DIGEST V3 #333 by Judy
Howle <howle@ebicom.net> on May 23, 1997

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