Vegetables Vegetarian Compucook, Moosewood, Still life, Vegetarian 6 Servings


4 Medium-sized ripe tomatoes
up to 5
2 T Olive oil
1 c Finely minced red onion
1/4 t Salt, up to 1/2
1/2 c packed finely minced fresh
1 c packed finely minced fresh
basil leaves
Freshly ground black pepper
3/4 lb Linguine or spaghetti, up
to 1
Extra olive oil, for the
Parmesan, to taste


Half fill a large saucepan with water and heat to boiling. Core the
tomatoes, then drop them in the boiling water for about 10 seconds
each. Remove from the saucepan and peel the tomatoes under cold
running water. Quarter the tomatoes and squeeze out the seeds. Then
finely chop the remaining tomato pulp, place it in a medium-sized  bowl
and set aside. Heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil in a small  skillet.
Add the minced onion and saute over medium heat, stirring  for about 2
minutes. Add this to the chopped tomato, scraping in very  last drop of
oil from the skillet. Stir in the remaining tablespoon  of olive oil,
plus salt, parsley and basil. Grind in a generous  amount of fresh
black pepper. Taste to adjust seasonings, cover and  set aside. Cook
the pasta in plenty of boiling water until al dente.  Drain and
transfer to a large bowl. Drizzle with a little extra olive  oil, then
add sauce (either room temperature or heated slightly) and  Parmesan.
Toss gently, and serve immediately, preferably on heated  plates. Pass
extra Parmesan and the pepper mill.  Recipe from STILL LIFE WITH MENU,
by Mollie Katzen © 1988, used with  permission of Ten Speed Press.
Compucook kiosk  kitpatH nov97  Recipe by: Still Life with Menu, By
Mollie Katzen 1988

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