Fruits Canning, Jellies 1 Recipe


1/4 utes to Simmer Fruit before Extracting Juice: 5 to, utes to Simmer Fruit before Extracting Juice: 5 to 10. Sugar
2 degrees F.


Use only firm fruits naturally high in pectin. Selct a mixture of
about 3/4 ripe and 1/4 underripe fruit. Do not use commercially  canned
or frozen fruit juices. Their pectin content is too low. Wash  all
fruits thoroughly before cooking. Crush soft fruits or berries;  cut
firmer fruits into small pieces. Using the peels and cores adds  pectin
to the juice during cooking. Add water to fruits that require  it, as
listed in the table of ingredients below. Put fruit and water  in large
saucepan and bring to a boil. Then simmer according to the  times below
until fruit is soft, while stirring to prevent scorching.  One pound of
fruit should yield at least 1 cup of clear juice.  EXTRACTING JUICES
AND MAKING JELLY  To Extract Juice:  Fruit: Apples. Cups of Water to be
Added per Pound of Fruit: 1.  Minutes to Simmer Fruit before Extracting
Juice: 20 to 25. Sugar to  be added to each cup of Strained Juice: 3/4
cup. Lemon Juice to be  added to each cup of Strained Juice: 1-1/2 tsp
(opt). Yield from 4  Cups of Juice: 4 to 5 half-pints.  Fruit:
Blackberries. Cups of Water to be Added per Pound of Fruit:  None or
1/4. Minutes to Simmer Fruit before Extracting Juice: 5 to  10. Sugar
to be added to each cup of Strained Juice: 3/4 to 1 cup.  Lemon Juice
to be added to each cup of Strained Juice: None. Yield  from 4 Cups of
Juice: 7 to 8 half-pints.  Fruit: Crab Apples. Cups of Water to be
Added per Pound of Fruit: 1.  Minutes to Simmer Fruit before Extracting
Juice: 20 to 25. Sugar to be  added to each cup of Strained Juice: 1
cup. Lemon Juice to be added  to each cup of Strained Juice: None.
Yield from 4 Cups of Juice: 4 to  5 half-pints.  Fruit: Grapes. Cups of
Water to be Added per Pound of Fruit: None or  to be added to each cup
of Strained Juice: 3/4 to 1 cup. Lemon Juice  to be added to each cup
of Strained Juice: None. Yield from 4 Cups of  Juice: 8 to 9
half-pints.  Fruit: Plums. Cups of Water to be Added per Pound of
Fruit: 1/2.  Minutes to Simmer Fruit before Extracting Juice: 15 to 20.
Sugar to  be added to each cup of Strained Juice: 3/4 cup. Lemon Juice
to be  added to each cup of Strained Juice: None. Yield from 4 Cups of
Juice: 8 to 9 half-pints. When fruit is tender, strain through a
colander, then strain through a double layer of cheesecloth or a  jelly
bag. Allow juice to drip through, using a stand or colander to  hold
the bag. Pressing or squeezing the bag or cloth will cause  cloudy
jelly.  Using no more than 6 to 8 cups of extracted fruit juice at a
time,  measure fruit juice, sugar, and lemon juice according to the
ingredients in the table and heat to boiling. Stir until the sugar is
dissolved. Boil over high heat to the jellying point. To test jelly
for doneness, use one of the following methods.  Temperature test: Use
a jelly or candy thermometer and boil until  mixture reaches the
following temperatures at the altitudes of:  Sea Level: 220 degrees F.
1,000 ft: 218 degrees F. 2,000 ft: 216  degrees F. 3,000 ft: 214
degrees F. 4,000 ft: 212 degrees F. 5,000  ft: 211 degrees F. 6,000 ft:
209 degrees F. 7,000 ft: 207 degrees F.  8,000 ft:  Sheet or spoon
test: Dip a cool metal spoon into the boiling jelly  mixture. Raise the
spoon about 12 inches above the pan (out of  steam). Turn the spoon so
the liquid runs off the side. The jelly is  done when the syrup forms
two drops that flow together and sheet or  hang off the edge of the
spoon.  Remove from heat and quickly skim off foam. Fill sterile jars
with  jelly. For more information see "Jars and Lids". Use a measuring
cup  or ladle the jelly through a wide-mouthed funnel, leaving 1/4-inch
headspace. Adjust lids and process.  Recommended process time for Jelly
without Added Pectin in a  boiling-water canner.  Style of Pack: Hot.
Jar Size: Half-pints or Pints. Process Time at  Altitudes of 0 - 1,000
ft: 5 min. 1,001 - 6,000 ft: 10 min. Above  6,000 ft: 15 min.
======================================================= === * USDA
Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 539 (rev. 1994) * Meal-Master
format courtesy of Karen Mintzias  From Gemini's MASSIVE MealMaster
collection at www.synapse.com/~gemini

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