Grains, Meats Chinese Condiment 1 Servings


5 Celery cabbage heads (Chinese cabbage)
1/2 bn Korean watercress; cut in 2" lengths
1/2 bn Indian mustard leaves; cut in 2" lengths
1/2 bn Green thread onion; cut in 2" lengths
4 Dried Forest mushrooms; soaked and cut into julienne
4 Dried Stone mushrooms; soaked in hot water; cleaned, and cut into narrow strips
2 Korean pears; cut into thin julienne
10 Chestnuts; cut into slivers
5 Garlic bulbs; peeled and crushed
3 sm Ginger roots; peeled and crushed
3 c Red pepper powder; made into a paste with water
Red pepper threads
1/2 c Pickled corvina; cut into narrow strips; 1-1/2"
1/3 c Pickled baby squid; cut into narrow strips; 1-1/2"
1 sm Octopus; cut into narrow strips; 1-1/2"
1/3 c Pickled baby shrimp; chopped
1/3 lb Oysters
1 1/2 lb Beef brisket; boiled in
5 qt Water (beef broth)
4 c Coarse salt
Table salt


This kimchi originated in the northern regions of Korea. Hear, a dramatic
combination of cabbage and radishes and aromatic vegetables together with
pickled fish creates a fanciful taste. In addition, fresh oysters and
octopus lend exquisite flavors and tastes to the vegetables, and the clear
beef broth used for te kimchi souse adds a subtle depth to the kimchi.
1. Trimming and Salting the Cabbage. Trim off the tough outer leaves of the
celery cabbage and save them; cut each cabbage head into 2 to 4 sections
1. Soak the cabbage sections and the radishes in a brine prepared with 3
cups of sale and 4 quarts (4 liters) of water for 3 to 4 hours or until
softened. Rinse with cold water.
2. Halve the radishes, reserving 2 and make slitcuts up to 2/3 of the
length from the bottom.
3. Cut the pears into thin julienne.
4. Cut the pickled fish and the fresh squid and octopus into 1 1/2"(4 cm)
long narrow strips.
5. Cut the 2 remaining radishes into thin julienne; mix the radish strips
with the red pepper paste. Then, add all the remaining vegetables,
mushrooms, and chestnuts along with the octopus, squid, and pickled fish;
mix well. Finally, toss the mixture with oysters and pear strips and season
with salt. This is the stuffing.
6. Pack the stuffing between the layers of the cabbage leaves; fill the
slit-cuts on the radishes. Stack the stuffed cabbage and radished in a
crock; cover with the salted outer leaves (PRELIMINARIES). After 2 or 3
days, add a mixture of salt, pickled corvina juice, pickled baby shrimp
juice, and beef broth, just enough to cover.
Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe Archive, http://www.erols.com/hosey.

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