Meats, Seafood, Grains Thai Poultry 2 Servings


1 pk (12-oz) rice noodles
2 tb Garlic flavored vinegar (up to)
4 Cloves garlic; chopped fine
1 Medium-to-large onion; diced fine
8 oz Chicken breast; cut into small pieces
1/2 c Water
1 tb Tamarind concentrate
3 tb Thai fish sauce
3 tb Soy sauce
3 tb Rice wine vinegar
1/2 ts Ground Cayenne pepper
2 ts Paprika (up to)
1/4 c Crushed peanuts
Garnishes: fresh bean sprouts; chopped Chinese leeks; chopped green onions; sesame seeds; soy sauce


Step one: Put noodles in a large pot, cover with cold water, soak at least
one hour.
Step Two: Prepare liquid ingredients: 1/2 cup water, tamarind concentrate,
soy sauce, fish sauce, rice wine vinegar, paprika, cayenne, and peanuts,
mix together in air tight container and shake vigorously. Store in
refrigerator while finishing dish.
Step Three: In a large wok, heat garlic vinegar.  Saute garlic until it
begins to brown, stirring constantly. then add quickly chopped onion and
chicken.  Cook over medium to high heat stirring constantly until chicken
is opaque and onions are translucent. Drain noodles and add to wok all at
once, quickly dump in pre-mixed liquid ingredients. Stir to mix. Cook until
noodles absorb the liquid and lose their brittle quality becoming soft and
Step four: Garnish to your taste.  Serve hot and eat.  Makes four to six
servings. Very low in fat prepared as noted above especailly if you trim
fat from chicken. You may choose to use olive oil instead of the garlic
vinegar but it doesn't add much to the finished product except 240 calories
from fat.
Nikole Money <nikole@southwind.net>
From the Chile-Heads recipe list.  Downloaded from Glen's MM Recipe
Archive, http://www.erols.com/hosey.

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