Main dish 1 Servings


-========================== ====================== (serves 2)


4 tblsp  butter 100 g flour 1 pinch salt 1/8 l milk 4
tblsp soda water 1 egg
1/4    banana 250 g strawberries or any other fruit
you like 2 tsp honey vanilla or chocolate ice cream
fruits for garnish Melt butter, let cool. Stir
together flour woth salt, milk and soda water. Stir
egg (to combine white and yolk thoroughly). Add egg
and 1 tblsp of butter to the dough.
For filling:
Clean and dice fruits. Steam together with honey in a
small pan for about 2 minutes at medium heat. Put
Put 1/2 tsp butter in pan (1/2 tsp for every pancake)
and bake 6 pancakes one after the other for about 2
minutes each side so that they are golden brown.
Puree steamed fruit roughly. Put on pancakes and roll
them together.
Put 3 pancakes each on a plate and serve with ice
cream and fresh strawberries.
From: artc@world.std.com (Art Campbell)
Source: Tasahara Bread Book
Converted by MMCONV vers. 1.40
From Gemini's MASSIVE MealMaster collection at www.synapse.com/~gemini

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