Meats, Dairy Sami Food networ, Food4 4 servings


4 200 g breast of guinea fowl take the
; breast and legs off the carcass
2 kg Guinea fowl carcass
500 g Onion
500 g Celery
50 g Garlic
1 l Chicken stock
1/2 l Red wine
10 ml Olive oil
100 g Butter
Seasoning to taste
500 g Potatoes; (Maris Bard)
20 g Garlic
5 g Thyme
400 ml Double cream
20 g Curry powder
Spring onion
Red chilli
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Caster sugar
Lemon juice
Salt and pepper


Trim the breast and wing bone and thigh bone and the leg. Pan fry the
breast skin side down and the leg for 1 minute. Finish in the oven, breast
should take about 8 minutes, the leg 12 minutes at 180C.
Roast carcasses in the oven at 180C for about 10 minutes until brown. In a
separate pan brown the onion and celery in butter and olive oil (about 5
minutes). Add the garlic, then the red wine and reduce for about 4 minutes
on a high flame. Add chicken stock and reduce again for 30 minutes. Strain
the liquid into another pan and reduce to a sauce consistency.
Bring the cream to the boil with the thyme, garlic, seasoning and curry
powder. Slice the potatoes on a mandolin and arrange nicely in a roasting
tray. Pass the infused cream on to the potatoes. Bake in the oven for 40
minutes at 180C. Remove, cool and refrigerate until required. Using a
cutter cut in to portions and reheat at 180C for approximately 5-8 minutes.
Peel and dice mango. Finely chop spring onion, chives and chilli. Combine
the ingredients in a bowl. Infuse for 24 hours before use.
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