Dairy Dujour07 4 Servings


Olive oil
12 Plum tomatoes, diced
4 Shallots, diced
6 Garlic cloves
1 c White wine
Juice of 3 lemons
1/4 lb Butter -, 1 stick cubed
4 oz Fresh pasta of choice
Fettuccine), Fettuccine
1 Basil, stems removed
1 Parsley, stems removed
1 Watercress, stems removed
1 c Extra-virgin olive oil, plus
3 T Extra-virgin olive oil
Kosher salt, to taste
Freshly-ground black pepper
to taste
16 Sea scallops -, 10 to 20
dry pack
1 c Grated Parmesan cheese
1 Sprig fresh purple basil


In a saucepan add a touch of olive oil, plum tomatoes, 3 shallots and
4 cloves of garlic and cook until shallots are translucent. Add white
wine and juice of 2 lemons. Bring to boil, reduce heat, let cook  three
minutes. Remove from heat and add all ingredients to blender  and
puree. This process may require being done in steps so that  blender
does not overflow. Strain pureed ingredients through  chinoise, throw
out pulp, reserve broth. Bring broth back up to at  least 110 degrees.
Place in a clean blender, add cubed butter with  blender on high to
emulsify, thicken sauce, season to taste. In a  large pot bring to boil
salted water and then cook pasta to al dente,  refresh in ice bath and
set aside. Toss in 1 tablespoon olive oil  until ready to serve. In a
blender, add 2 cloves of garlic, 1  shallot, basil, parsley and
watercress, juice of the 1 remaining  lemon, cover blender, turn on
high. Slowly add 1 cup olive oil until  emulsified. Season with salt --
add fresh cracked black pepper (a  lot), briefly turn blender on.
Transfer contents into a squirt bottle  and refrigerate until ready to
serve. Place 1 saute pan over high  heat until it smokes. In another
saute pan place 1 teaspoon of olive  oil, add 3 ounces of pasta, then 4
ounces of tomato sauce, check for  seasoning of salt and pepper to
taste. In smoking pan, heat 1  tablespoon of olive oil. Season scallops
with kosher salt and freshly  cracked black pepper, then add to hot
oil. Sear deeply until warm  brown color; turn each scallop over and
finish in a 375 degree oven  (for 3 minutes). In desired plate or bowl
place pasta with sauce,  when scallops are done arrange them on top of
pasta. Liberally  swizzle pesto over plate and garnish with purple
basil sprig. This  recipe yields 4 servings.  Source: "CHEF DU JOUR -
(Show # DJ-9553) - from the TV FOOD NETWORK"  S(Formatted for MC5):
"07-19-1999 by Joe Comiskey -  joecomiskey@netzero.net"  Recipe by:
Fredric A. Byarm  Converted by MM_Buster v2.0l.

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“No one has been misunderstood like God”

Nutrition (calculated from recipe ingredients)
Calories: 780
Calories From Fat: 341
Total Fat: 38.7g
Cholesterol: 85.2mg
Sodium: 812.8mg
Potassium: 1965.9mg
Carbohydrates: 83.6g
Fiber: 16.1g
Sugar: 36.9g
Protein: 23.7g

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